miranda panda
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAEZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesh... im sorry i cant get u anything but i wil give u a present someday!! I PROMISE!!! weellll.. im going to fantasy-land today its a sk8 rink and thats where i met my bestests friends! besides andrew... but andrew is like numaro uno and then every1 else ties for 2!! XD YAY ME!!! i made no sense huh? XP well then im just talking about nothing so here we go....
RAWR!!! theres this chick at skool that knows my number and she kept calling asking me to go to fantasy-land today but i dont really give a shit about her she is annoying as fuck! she wont SHUT-UP!!! all she talks about is the leadsinger from panic at the disco and some dude named aaron!! X_x i swear by the end of the day today i will be crazy but luckaly i have friends going and we can just ditch her ^^' ... wait..... thats... what happened to me... i got ditched by a few of my friends but... i dont know why they did.... but i dont want her to feel the same way.. NOOOOOOO!!!! GOD DAMMIT QUIT FEELING BAD FOR HER!!! x_X;; god dammit i feel really bad but at the same time i dont give a shit.. im going to go think X_x ............
♥*~ miranda ~* ♥
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
crapp last night i went to sleep at about 10pm thinking there was skool today and i woke up sumwhere around 1 and woke up my little sister, gave her a mo-hawk for sumreason then went back to sleep i woke up about 20 mins ago and ill be planning to go back to sleep so bye
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Friday, September 29, 2006
the dance
today there was a dance at our skool.. i got invited to the corner and was drawing with annet, andrea, lupita, and a few others... we then got pulled up by andrew and he showed us the special ed people.... XD there was one dude that looked sorta like this dancing....

quite disturbing but very funny! XD yesha well.. i missed the bus and i had to walk home today but oh well i sorta hitchhiked halfway through my friend picked me up TT_TT i luv them soo much TT_TT
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
KEI !!!!!
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Once more i got in trouble but not with the teacher but for not tucking in my shirt -__- i see no point in tucking in shirts if the just help hold wepons.... -_______- i prooved my point today by showng the teacher(in detention) how people can smuggle a wepon(i used pencil) in by tucking in their shirts and how if every1 has to wear a belt how u can smuggle drugs( used bagg of sugar) now they said i dont have to tuck in my shirt cuz i prooved a point! ^^ but the i got sent to counsler again cuz they saw the heart carved in my hand and yeah now they called my mom and she's pissed but luckly im only grounded for weekend XD
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
sweet i told some scary substatute lady that she was scary |D she was asian and look liked a wrinkely bird... |D yeah she was scary and i just asked why she looked like if she was trying to look scary cuz she had lots of makup too XD i got one period ISS LMAO oh well they said it wouldnt do anything to my record but yeah... XD ill post again tomarrow
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Monday, September 25, 2006
cant post for a while
i cant post for a while my comp had this chip in it that over looks everything and i was watching mild YAOI the day before i found out and my mom watched the chip and saw them kissing alot and about to get intament but it cut off right after she turned off the chip so she thought they had sex but they didnt show it ><, now im grounded from certian sites like youtube im grounded from for a few weeks and i might get grounded cuz im in the naruXsasu club which she saw also... TT_TT damn im so screwed
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
KATCHA!! i got to go to the shimakon and i got atographs from the people for fun-imation ^^ yeah i also got a naruto&sasuke poster with a free mini sasuke keychain and a mew-mew action figure XD lol one more thing i got hugged to death by sum HUGE chick cuz i had gir(from invarder zim) on my jacket and some cloves from naruto.. TT_TT she scared me..... well im sleepy so good night even tho its 3:45 in afternoon XP
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
well this might be amusing
yeah i think i accually might go to the shimakon (i think thats how its spelt...) if my mom doesnt go to the mall today otherwize im going tomarrow when no-one else goes... yay me *waves finger around* well anyway... i probably wont go cuz my mom said "its a posability"....damn.. thats always a no... mishy take pictures for me! TT_TT dammit.... well nvm about the posability my mom said no.... not today anyway i went to go ask..
well talk to everyone later bye..
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
hmmm.. tomarrow... lets see..
ITS andrews birthday and he'll finaly be 12!!!! KATCHAA!!! he's like the youngest one i know thats at the junior high ^^ lol anyway i gtg cuz im not suppost to be on but meh ok bye!
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