miranda panda
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
well heres something new...
Andrew.. he's not my friend anymore ive made i official! He Yelled At Me For NO REASON!!! and all he says is "QUIT THE BULL MIRANDA!! YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! MELINDA TOLD ME WHAT YOU SAID!" and well i told him "Well andrew i dont talk to melinda ive been mad at her for like a few weeks now..whats wrong with you?!" yeah so he just pushed me and walked away i dont really care but oh well... i have to deal with him sitting next to me in math everyday now.. erg...
on top of that im still confuzed about my relationship and dont know what to do...
well if anyone can help please do!
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Monday, January 15, 2007
A - Always
T - Trust
Y - Your
P - Peers
C - Closest
T - To
Y - You
i learned that in skool today.. merf preety muuuch nuffin else except DONT FORGET YOUR JACKET WHEN ITS 30 DEGREES OUTSIDE!!! my god! i had to run for PE today and DAMN! it was fuzzing freezing and now i have a fever... crapppppp well my mom gave me icecream and i unno im already cold i think she wanted to make me feel better... well it was my favorite icecream, Vanilla! YAY!
Well hopefully they cancel skool tomarrow
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
hell yeah! woot~!
how are you guys?
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
^^ at skool my friend Emma cheered me up in the morning and i had lots of fun we went around poking people for some reason... lmao :]
hehehehehe now the other emma! ((yes theres two at my skool)) she cheered me up even MORE in lunch it was so funny she started a mini food fight and her friend blamed it on someone else because we ran out of the cafeteria! XD YAY!!
well i need to do hw now so bye!
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
funnn.. no not really things have gotten better but i havent felt oh so great.. i feel like.. well uhm..Vom***** (cant spell it or else i will.. nvm i already did) ehh...
well if you read this call me maybe you can give it a shot at cheering me upp
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Yay.. bad day...
Sh*ty day for me alright!
1.) durring P.E. i sat on a table and my pants got stuck on a nail and ripped so i wore my jacket around my waist all day...
2.) Failed TX History test..
3.) Got punched in the face for calling someone a b*tch for kicking andrew in the nuts and calling him gay..
4.) Got Yelled at by my Dad for no reason because he's drunk...
5.) Got a bad Sign of someone breaking up with me...(asking if our relashionship is going ANYWHERE and if so then WHERE?)
6.) little sister broke a glass and blamed it on me and now im grounded...
7.) cant figure out my H/W
8.) got kicked in the theigh by my dad...
Yeah pretty crappy day if you ask me...
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Monday, January 8, 2007


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so confused
i unno whats to do.. ive been confused about every1's personalitys and how they've been feeling.. i feel like no one wants to talk to me anymore the only one who does is Drew pretty much he calls everyday and i wish some other people would do that at least text... I think the only one im NOT confused about is Drew and maybe Raeza.. possably Michelle the rest is for shure...
Subject #2
Dont You hate it when you call the person you like and have your WHOLE conversation planned out but when they answer your mind goes blank??
That.. appens to me.. then i have to call them back later but i feel like im annoying them so i dont call back.... i feel stupid...
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Sunday, January 7, 2007
howw kuteee!!
hehehehe my kitty is curled up on my lap asleep.. its sooo kuteee!!
((Raeza this kitty likes nudists too XP))
I got back from playing ddr about 2hrs ago but then i took a nap... its like 12:09am and im WIDE awake... :D oh yeeaaahhh!! :P im so fuzzin hyper i want to play DDR againnnnn..... ><, i played with random people... they sucked.. so i played against this one dude who plays on Heavy and i play on light.. he kicked my ASH!! XD it was funny he was like 18-20 somewhere in that range :P
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Friday, January 5, 2007
i gave a kitty away today to one of my buddys!! His name was panda im not oh so shure if she changed it or not but oh well it twas a kute kitty it looked like his mamma... he was sensative little kitty... and hated to share food somehow it was EXACTLY like raeza and she says its a perfect match
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