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myOtaku.com: miranda panda

Thursday, August 3, 2006

today andrew came to my house and we were supposed to do a book report but my little sisters friend came over and we sorta got a frisby(spelling?) stuck on the roof >< anyway me and andrew got up and i slipped but almost fell he dove for me... *^^* yeah well we didnt fall of but we did get frisby(spelling again?) so we tried again for the book report but decided to go to golf course lol he tackled me for sum reason and well we had a moment like eye to eye he got closer but my sister came and had a look on her face that said "wtf?!?" so he got up quickly and crap...well i gave my little sister the glare since she knew i reaaaaaallly like this guy.... anyways we went rolling down hills called mishy but she didnt answer and blah blah blah then we went to my house again and went swimming... he didnt have any trunks so i lent him an extra pair cuz i put them over my b-suit.... god we had the worst conv. about it im not going into deitails but all im gunna say is that he only brought what he was wearing... he took forever changing so i went to the pool and he came out with only trunks and no t-shirt and i was 0_0 staring at him the whole time before he jumped in.. (oh and he has smexy abs ^^ lol) neways we got in blah blah blah and we swam until about 10pm then he had to go home >< oh and tomarrow he might come again but this time he wants me to do his hair like sasuke because im pool my little siter saw his hair back and it was like sasuke's but with out bangs! neways this is getting long sooo byezz!!
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