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myOtaku.com: miranda panda

Saturday, August 26, 2006

   poems to whomever but dont think they are about any of u! they are of a boy who i love
I never ment to disapoint you,
I never ment to make you cry,
But mommy they told you something,
You were never ment to kno,
I was trying soo hard to stop,
Mommy honestly i was,
I didnt mean to hurt you or daddy,
So i tryed my best to hide it,
But i guess my best wasnt good enof,
But I am soo sorry i hurt you,
And even more sorry i made you cry,
I sit here day to day lost in your sparkaling brown eyes,
in a dream world where you are mine,
I just woke up and noticed,
How much you have changed me,
from an inoccent little girl to a suicidal teen,
no you wont win,
i woke up and im reversing your transformation,
I am me and,
That is that.
In my head your mine and we are happy,
In your head Im a piece of crap not good enough to be thought of,
I see both but only love one,
You see one because thats the one you know of,
If you could see both would you feel the way I do,
Or would you still love yours because thats what youve been believing.

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