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Sunday, June 24, 2007

my uncles

hey guys its me im reporting from my uncles house
its 8:20 right now it took us 5 hrs in the car to get here soon well be heading to virginia itll
take us another 3 or 4 hrs to get there i cant
wait well yesterday when we got to my uncle's
house we watched jerassic park then we went to
this fancy italion resteraunt then we went to star bucks yaaay and then we came back and talked
and later my aunt came home from work so we
watched the movie cars and me and my brother slept on the couches down stairs with the dog
well plz coment n this pst all weeek cause
i will be back im just on vacaton well ttyl!

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Saturday, June 23, 2007


well guys im leaving now ill miss you guys plz
comment this all week so i know what u guys are up to well ttyl (time 7:12 am)

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Friday, June 22, 2007

   virginia trip yaay

well tommarow im going to virginia.actuly i wont
get their on saturday cause its an 9 hr drive
so were going to stay at my uncles house then
in the morning itll be 3 hrs till we get to virginia. my family and i are tecnicaly be living
in a hotel a relly fancy hotel with a water fall
and 3 diffrent fancy pools and were going to
an awsome water park and were going on the board-
walk wheres theres tons of little stores i have
80 dollars saved up oh and ill be gone for a week
so i wont see u guys for a long time sooooooo
ill miss u guys (llTxT) but hey ill tell u guys
about the trip k so bye-bye

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today me and my friend amanda went to peak and
peak and played putt putt golf it was fun i got
2 wholes in 1 yaaaay me but amandas brother and
my brother were being brats but amanda,s dad baught me a golf ball with dolphins on it
then after we got home (a few mins ago) these 3 teenage boys walked bye and she started barking at them with her pug and they turned around so i jumped to the floor and started to freakout
then they came back but this time they came to her drive way and she kept on barking
(they didnt see her) so i hidunder the bed then they left so were not sure if theyre gonna come back so i tell u the rest later

p.s this only happend about 3 mins ago (time:3:51)

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

fun with my family

yesterday my aunt and uncle were in town so we
went to go see them at my grandmas house. on
the way there i sat next to my dad in the
passenger seat watching this dude tailgate some
guy it was sorta funy cuzz the guy infront was
slowing down so the tailgator would leave him
alone but he just kept on doing it! later at my grandmas house me and my dad played fetch with
my dog mandy and my uncles dog rosco. (my mom
wasnt there cuz she was at work so if u were
wondering my parents are not devorced.) finally
when my aunt and uncle got back (they were doing
something) they brought us ice cream ^x^
i got a cherry dilly bar. later me my uncle
,my dad and my little bro played tag it was
fun but they always got me *hmph* -__- and today
were going to visit my grandpa in the nursing
home wich is relly depressing but oh well
its were my grandpa is so.... well ttyl
p.s plz comment today i would relly apreciate

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Saturday, June 16, 2007


this week ive had about 5or6 sleepovers in a row first was princess kiari's sleepover party witch was awsome! then angel asuka slept over at my
house. then me and angel asuka slept over at
my friend anns house annnnd theeen amandamarirgrab slept over at my house now i cant
have anymore sleepovers for a week. (mom says so.) yesterday me and amanda went shopping
pretty much all day and i bought a plaid skirt,
earings,and a key necklace amanda baught a
blue dress thing,leggings,a cherry shirt,a brcelet
and a cherry necklace oh i forgot she also
got......a...growing...duck! yup yup *nods*
and today im duck sitting it cause shes going
somewhere today and thrs day we went to
the creek me and amanda caught at least 19 frogs
(we let them go) so that was my week.

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Friday, June 8, 2007

   parties! Parties......and more PARTIES!

well today im going to xrapidxhopelossx party
for surviving school so im gonna were all rainbow
stuff. (i went shopping yesterday.) and tommarow
is pricess kairi birthday party so gots her an
uber kwaii gift its a slumber party its gonna be
so much fuun! im supplying the water balloons
ke ke ke.and were going to have a weter ballon
fight and draw things with chalk. and im having
a pool party july 7th its from 12:00 noon till
6:00pm i know its 6hrs long wich is awsome!well
i g2g i have to get redy for the party.....oh yeah i forgot to
tell u guys im done with school
yes im freee party time!

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

graduation (not my graduation)

well im going to a graduation party for my cusin
jessica i hope it'll be fun cuz ive never been to
a graduation party except when i was little.
i wanna go get an outfit for the party but i dont
know if we have time for that. well next year
i graduate from 8th grade im in 7th grade right
now. i'll probubly have a party! only 4 days till
schools over we get out the 7th a thursday its
gonna be soo awsome! well here's some bad news
my friend amanda s a few days ago her 2 cuzins
drowned in their pond in the back yard one of
them was only 8 months and the other 2 years
old they got out while the babysitter was napping
she's 18 years old and it was hours befor she
woke up and fond the 2 girls ToT and my mom nows
the person whos daughters died so plz send your
prayers im not religious but i think they relly
need it (the family of the 2 girls) and the
day befor that a baby bird drowned in our pool
*poor thing* and the day after the two girls
drowned another little girl drowned in her
bath tub so i find these things weird i mean
fist the bird then the two little girls and
then the other girl i mean they were all children
they all drowned they were all 1 day after each-
other and they were all girls (im unsure about the
bird) so i think thats a bit weird dont chu?

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Friday, June 1, 2007

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Saturday, May 26, 2007


thursday was sooo fun cause it was the feild
trip to pitsburg fist we had to wait outside
for the buss to come when they got there we hoped
on the buss no it wasnt a school buss it was
a fancy air conditioned tiedye seat tv over every
seat kind of buss it was soo nice oviously i
sat next to joey and we watched this movie
stomp the yard but i didnt want to watch it
so joey let me listen to his music the buss
ride lasted 2 and 1/2 hrs it felt more like
6 hrs when we got there we fist went to hindsfeild
to go with a tour guide it was sorta we got
to see alot of cool things next we went to
the science center which was my 2nd fave part
of the trip fist we went to see this movie
called huricane on the biyou and it made you
relly made u feal like u were there because
the whole room was a screen i got relly dizzy
cause of that next me and joey walked around in the science center and looked around there
was sooo many cool things scientifical things
then we went to the sports center on the
way there was dis funny sighn that said
do not stop starting if already started it
was soo funny i took a picture of it then
in the sports center i rode on this unicycle
above the whole center it was held down by
300lb weights so you wouldnt fall first
you had to pettle backwards i was so scared
then u had to pettle forward and the unicycle
would tip forward and back once i got off
me joey,angel asuka,and metal gear hung out
and did alot of things last we went to the hard r5ock cafe which was fun i sat with joey,
metal gear,angel,and annie in the hard rock cafe
there was theese perverted pictures and
there were little kinds next to us whore looking
at the pictures *litlle pervs* but we were seperated from them by glass soo we couldnt yell at them then we got our food ate got our cookies
and went ouside and played in the water fountain
so everyone got wet then we drove home on
the fancy buss but i fell asleep....on joeys
chest *i was comfy too* i kept hearing ppl so aww
thats so cute but nobody tried too wake me up
but they tried to make my friend britt who
was behind me they tried to wake her up
when i woke up we were almost home and we were
watching finding nemo annnnnnd guese what
i kissed joey...on the !LIPS! my fist real kiss
yaaay well ttyl.

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