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myOtaku.com: mirelle5

Sunday, June 17, 2007

fun with my family
yesterday my aunt and uncle were in town so we
went to go see them at my grandmas house. on
the way there i sat next to my dad in the
passenger seat watching this dude tailgate some
guy it was sorta funy cuzz the guy infront was
slowing down so the tailgator would leave him
alone but he just kept on doing it! later at my grandmas house me and my dad played fetch with
my dog mandy and my uncles dog rosco. (my mom
wasnt there cuz she was at work so if u were
wondering my parents are not devorced.) finally
when my aunt and uncle got back (they were doing
something) they brought us ice cream ^x^
i got a cherry dilly bar. later me my uncle
,my dad and my little bro played tag it was
fun but they always got me *hmph* -__- and today
were going to visit my grandpa in the nursing
home wich is relly depressing but oh well
its were my grandpa is so.... well ttyl
p.s plz comment today i would relly apreciate

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