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If I told you that id have to hurt sereiously...
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Honorary space-taker.
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....Let me get back to you on that one
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1997 i think...
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Trigun . Hellsing . Fruits Basket . Gravitation .
To learn as many languages as i can.
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Mariku:I SEE you!! >w<
Hey,minna-san! Well,im done cuttin' the grass (i did alot! it was like everywhere WAY back behind the pool,in the front yard,((its really alot!!))) Now im really tired... v_vzZzZzZ...
I really want to draw something but i cant think of anything although there was that comic-YGO-thingy i was doin.. (i have a duel strategy planned out 'n everything! ^^!) i wish i could put my pics on this site to show u guys..maybe ill draw something thats in my book on the computer again...wel im gonna go find out what that good smell is in the kitchen! Seeya. BYE! ^^!
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NNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! I hafta do chores!! I just had to bring like 3 heavy boxes from the hallway to the study!!Now i have to mow the grass,accually i like mowing the grass (i wish i could ride the riding mower) Well,ill try to post l8r seeya,BYE!^^!
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Monday, July 19, 2004
Funny moment of i feel like doing this again..
Mom:go on! say it Sydney!
Sydney:....DUDE,GET NAKED!
OO!!!!!!!!! i sereious my sis just said that, i wasnt in there but thats what i herd...
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 How evil are you?
FINNALY!! A way to prove that i am,in fact,neutral!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA...HI!!! ^_______^!
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.....yes,i like yaoi (a little,favorite is Kai/Jou),but dont tell anyone,if my family found out they'd probably disown me or something..if u dont want me to put this kind'o'stuff up here,then just tell me..

I think Anzu and Otogi's expressions are the funniest! ^^!

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Sunday, July 18, 2004
*dances* *starts handing out plushies of (who ever you want)*
*techno music plays*
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Saturday, July 17, 2004
......*yawn* -_-...
.....i think im about to die of boredom..(sereiously..).i mean theres no one to talk to (id talk to my family but there all just a bunch of perverts, and i dont like talking to them anyways),nothing to do..i wanna go somewhere just to get out of the house,but they say that they dont have any money, (sure they dont have any money when they go out to rent movies...)
I dont even have any new manga to read, and it'll be a hot day in alaska before i get to watch tv..i might as well watch the paint peel off of the walls....
does any one know how to put up pics on ur site? i cant figure out how to do it..alrighty then,bye bye.
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im bored.....oh so bored.. -_-'
So no one has msn,accept 4 Psy?.....ok...
I wish i had a scanner, the pics i draw now are much better than the ones i've got on here.
Jus' wanted 2 say sumthin'..bye.
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Hey...i tryed to put up some oics but i hafta wait for them to be accepted,its a pic that i drew on paper but i dont have a scanner so i drew it on the computer.
Hold on a sec...*goes in the kitchen,takes some(cooked)meat,comes back to the computer* shhhhh,dont tell anyone..(its darn good meat!!!)We have meat cause were having tacos tonight!!! ^___^!
Today has been uneventful and boring...does anyone out there have MSN? cause theres no one to talk to except my mom,the cool grandma, and my step-dads brother... OO! HOLY CRAP!!!! My other grandma just signed on (RUN! RUN FOR YOUR EARS!!!) she just doesnt know when to shutup!!! i mean heres an example...
My mom and TNSUG (the non-shutting-up grandma) were sitting at the table one night talking then mom says something about yogurt, then she (TNSUG) starts naming off the different kinds of yogurt and whats in like 'how can mom stand to sit there and listen to that?!?' if it was me id be like at the begining i would go 'hey,what time is it?(doesnt really care what the time is) " its _:__ " 'oh crap,gotta go! '
Well i just wanted to make a post so BORED!!! >__<+!!! I cant even think of anything to draw!! Well ill seeya around,BYE!
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Monday, July 12, 2004
ever went to Texas cause i didnt say so soon enough, so....ya. I dont want to go anyways, (their not going until next weekend) but i will be gone like 3 week from now for like 5 days to stay at my dads. Cause im suposed to like stay with them (yes i said them ,ive only been able to spend time with my dad,just us,like 4 times out of 7 years) for a week every year... Well my church is going to take the teens out to go bowling and eat pizza on thursday. Thats really funny cause our books say 15-17 years,and im only 13.hmmm.
I havent even watched yugioh! or inuyasha yet,cause i cant get control over the tv for nothing!!
I was my own random member? Oo? i really was...
I re-did one of my survey things cause some people wernt to happy with it...
A Yuugiou survey-type-thing....sorta | Who is your favorite character?: | Seto Kaiba | Why did u choose him/her?: | long story.not enough room | Does he/she have any enemies?: | yes EVERYONE!.....except his little brother | Does he/she have any freinds?: | not that i know of, unless he has an imaginary pet hamster named ziggy... | Does he/she have a goldfish?: | he could, he couldnt,not sure | If there was a plushie or ur fav.char.,but it was $100,how would u get it?: | i would beg,work,do anything i could to get it. | Is ur fav. character evil,good,what?: | hes kinda neutral... | If you saw your favorite character, would you be a normal or rabid fan g/b?: | normal | What is your favorite YGO theme song?: | i stuck between Overlap and Wild Drive | Do you like Dr.Pepper? (i know its got nothing to do with this...): | yupperz | Do YOU hae a goldfish? Or just a fish?: | no but my step sis did but it died the next day... | Quick!You see Kaiba walking on the beach with some speedo's on.whatdoudo?: | Take a picture then run screaming like im on fire... | Well,are u glad this survey is done now? Or do u wish it was longer?: | wish that i had made it longer but i have no more ideas right now... |
A YGO quiz thingy. brought to you by BZOINK!
Hows that one? If u want to take the other one its still on there. SesshTaisho's site im sposed to be the random right? Well hows this for random.
Up until about last year, my faimly thought that i was gay... im not joking....they said something about that i was still saying that boys were gross,i meant that didnt want to go into that yet,not THAT kind of thing....
Was that random enough?,or should i go on?
My freinds computer is acting keeps on shutting down on her,so we've been throughing ninja stars at it and shooting it and hitting it with hammers...
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh who lives in a pinneapple under the sea?
ur line here______________
Well i cant think of anything else right now
M | Meek | I | Inspirational | R | Realistic | O | Odd | C | Creepy | H | Hairy | U | Unnatural |
Name Acronym Generator From
I'M NOT HAIRY!!! >__
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