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Thursday, January 1, 2004
NEW YEARS!!! YA!! I have ice cream and more party hats!!
*puts on a party hat* *clears throught*......HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! *blows one of those noise thingys that sounds like you sat on a baby elephant* YES!!! NEW YEAR!!!w00t! Hey you know what when i did that last post i only had like two minutes before it was 2004. Man..i was watching this count down thingy on tv when i thought of it.I went "holy crap must not miss post!!!" You cant miss an opportunity like that cause it only comes once every 365 days.Well enough rambling lets partay! Here ive just got this automatic food-and-whatever-you-want so all you have to do is say whatever you want and you can have it (but dont expect to really get it of course)ok so what about resolutions? I was gonna say watch more anime but most peoples resolutions only last like a month or so, so ill say keep my room clean cause i cant think of a good one right now. So what about u guys? (that is if you have one of course)
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Hi just typing for the last tme in 2003!! w00t!!! ya! its so cool
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Saturday, December 27, 2003
Me get cool stuffys!
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Lookie at the new bloggy thingy! Tis so cool dont u think?Wellll welly well well, I shall tell u guys what i got for christmas.I got a whole bunch of sketch pad thingys,like a bazilloin color pencils,I got a PS2,final fantasy 10(i have to play this one before i can get the other one), Yu-Gi-Oh: The duelists of the roses,(i got a whole bunch of other games to but im to lazy to type them now but if u really want to know then just ask me), this big thing full of candy(SUGAR!!!!!),Yu-Gi-Oh posters and cards(just to clear this up Yu-Gi-Oh is one of the animes that I like),what else did i get.....OH YEA! I got this bowl like thingy but its in a square shape and chapsticks I think that they said it was from japan or something,.......oh yea clothes and shoes,(last one) and a new hard drive cause mine keeps messing up*shakes fist at hard drive thingy*.Oh yea now i remember what i was going to ask, does anyone out there play DDR (dance dance revolution)? Whats your favorite song on there? I,personally,like butterfly. so tell me and ill get back to u oor whatever. okies bye now.
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Thursday, December 25, 2003
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Foam party hats for all!!! ^_______^
CANT SLEEP!!! It's really early at my house so I cant wake come out ofmy roomyet and i cant sleep cause im too excited....oh and did I mention that I cant sleep? I swear the clock is just going slower to tick me off *evil death glare of DOOM!* ok anyways ill just put up a quiz for now and Merry Christmas,Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza or whatever it is that your celebrating I hope it is going to be a happy one.^_________^ Ok good bye for now!  Chaos... your soul wishes to disrupt peace...
What is your soul looking for?? (images) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
im david...
sarahs, lil demon...
im the great uncle of mirochu.. i am...
bow to me you crack heads!...
im crazy...
HELP!!! there coming... the board members...
what do i do.. Mirochu, SAVE ME!!!...
Inuyasha! i am the MASTER of inuyasha!...
w00t w00t !!
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Saturday, December 20, 2003
who boy!
Hello everybody i feel MUCH better now but the bad thing is that my little sis is getting sick now. Ok nw to the insane part, one of my friends or over at my house,well actually two but shes not doing anything right now,well anyays, I have this tree in my room and well she wanted to decorate it and I said she could. Well she started to put some ornaments and stuff on it but then she found a pile of stuff and now there is a soda bottle, a cd, a sock, an oven mit hanging from a hanger, two bottle caps, scissors (oh help us all!!), a cookie (its fake), the letter L (aparently she doesnt believe that there is no L in christmas or tree for that matter), a scarf, Yu-Gi-Oh stickers (so what i wanted the stickers,big deal), a hose thingy(it goes to this thing that we used to pump up a ball for my sis), a pic of me (THE TREE"S GONNA BREAK!!), a pemcil, ((by the way she is putting more stuff on as im typing this)), french fries (there fake too), a flip flop thats the size of china (or thats what she says at least), a brush, a mouse (like keyboard monitor, you get the idea), and FINALLY!!!,for the top piece, one of my broken baseball trophys. Geeze, im just wondering where she got it all,ok im gonna go now before she ends up putting a tv on it or something. bye
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Saturday, December 13, 2003
soooooooo sorry
OH MAN! sorry i havent been on in a while ive been sick i think it was the flu or something like that,so i havent been feeling very well lately. As a matter o' fact i still dont feel very well. The only time got out of the house was to get some fresh air once in a while.,and to make matters worse i cant talk without coughing a bunch.Ah geez, the only good thing that i got out of it was that i was able to write some storys and such ,but they dont make,since like i'll just add random words every once in a while.Well,i'll go now need to anyways bye.
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Friday, December 5, 2003
Hello to all.
Just on here to say g'bye and that ill be gone for about two or three days so if ya need to tell me anything say it here. bye.font>
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Tuesday, December 2, 2003
Konichi wa (i think thats how you spell it)
 You're sort of glompable. You're kind and happy enough to let someone glomp you, but you're rather delicate, so you have to be careful!
How Glompable Are You? brought to you by QuizillaJust because it says that im sorta' glompable doesnt mean that you can.......aww i dont care
My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost in a good book, or giggling with my best friend, I live in a world apart, one full of adventure and wonder and other stuff adults don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla .......thats scarry.....
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Sunday, November 30, 2003
Does-any-one-have-any-coffee?Cause-I-really-need-some-cause-i-drank-all-the-coffee-thats-in-my-house-and-theres-no-more-so-i-cant-find-any-and-im-going-to-go-crazy-if-i-dont-find-any-and-i-REALLY-REALLY-need-some-!!!!Please-please-please-please-please-PLEEEEEEEEEASE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WLOM(whats left of me)_Ok since my other half has turned into a coffe nut,Me_I-HEARD-THAT-OOOOHH-YOU-JUST-WAIT-TILL-I-GET-MY-COFFE-THE-YOU'LL-BE-DEAD!!!!-YOU-HEAR-ME-DEAD!!*starts to shake and crouches in a corner* WLOM_ 0.o Oooooook then,as i was saying,I will pop up every once in a while like say when this happenes or something like that.I couldnt pop up before cause she wouldnt let me out.* glances over sholder and sees her still shaking* Ok i just wanted to clear that up so ta ta. Say bye to the nice people.Me_Coffee-coffee-coffee-coffee-coffee!!!!!! o.0
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