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Saturday, November 29, 2003
My moms is nuts.There is this on thing that is her favorite thing to say,it goes like this:Scum sucking,Sack of dog S***,Holy crap wheres the tylonol(sp?)I think thats how it goes but i dont think thats all of it oh well if she says it again ill type it right.(I dont cuss,my mom does)I got one ,mine is from thi simpsons,it goes like this:I like pizza,i like nachos,I like hotdogs with mustard and beer,Ilike bagles,I could evan eat a baby deer,lalalalalalalalalala whos that baby deer on the lawn there^________^ Sounds funny to me.Ether that or ill shout !TACOS! every once in a while. Well since no one will tell me a joke then i think that ive gotone.: :There was a brunette, a red head, and a blonde stranded on a island,when they find a magic lamp.One of them rubs it and a genie pops out and says "I shall grant each one of you one wish and one wish only". The brunette goes first.She says" My family must be worried about me so i wish that i could go home". The genie says wish granted and poofs her back to her home. The red head goes next.She says "My family must be worried about me too,so i wish to go home also". The genie says wish granted and poofs her back to her home. Now its the blondes turn. She says "It's so lonely here i wish that my friends where back here with me". Heehee haahaa.^___^ Mabye ill think of some more later.Bye for now.
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Friday, November 28, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving! oops too late
^_^_^_^_^_^ <-----lots of people yes they share eyes sorry i skipped to days and no talk.Guess what???.........no.......nope.........not evan close(did u notice that i started them all out with n's?)I Got 2,yes 2 thanksgiving dinners,I had one at my moms house and one at my dads house.Ooooh man my dad can make some gooooooood food.They made so much that u wouldnt know that i had a plate. Oh man and my moms,well we have this huge table and it was COVERED in food.But then again theres like *counts on fingers* over 20 people that had to eat so theres a tincy wincy diffrence. What did you guys do for thanksgiving?
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
I can fly!!! (i think)
 Otaku Level 5
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla......look at me im a number FIVE yup thats right FIVE. Well ive got nothing to do right now so i think ill go draw something.No my scanner still doesnt work(lousy stinkin'machine)anywho,i think thats what i'll do.Oh ya and my sis says hi...........Oh come on! Someone out there has got to know some jokes!I'm gonna cry! *crys like james from pokemon* see? thats why i hate to cry cause i sound like that.*sniffle*
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Thursday, November 20, 2003
*growl*I WANT IT TO SNOW...NOW!!
Ok, I got some good news and bad news..so which do you want to hear first?.....GOOD! Oook 0_o i have no idea where that came from but alright.The good news is that i found a scanner. The bad news is that its got to be fixed.So i MIGHT,emphasis on might,be able to put up some fan art.It just depends. Ok. So. I guess thats it then. Well se ya. Bye.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
*wimmper* O_O
Hey everyone.I've just noticed something.BurningWings has disapered from my friends list! Does anyone have any idea where she went?It's gettin' scary. (o_0)
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Monday, November 17, 2003
NOBODY LIKES ME ANY MORE. Why doesnt anyone talk to me any more.Please talk cause i think that the crickets are trying to regroup*evil glare*and they drive me nuts!They make go crazy that my mom has to put me in a stray jacket. NO seriously.I'm kidding.OH now i remember what i was going to ask. Does anyone out there know any good jokes? I mean anything will do i'm just so bored over here........wait a minute......whats that.....AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.....to be continued. DUM DUM DUUUMMM!!
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Awwww Man.....
Hey,do any of you out there watch wrestling? If you dont then so what it doesnt matter.It only matters if you hae never seen it before.Any ways,R.I.P.-Undertaker&Stone Cold. They will be missed lots. (I know that this has nothing to do with anime but I just had to put it up here)The only good thing that happened was that Goldberg still has the world heavyweight championship. ^_^ -_- v_v >_< AAAHHHH TO MANY EMOTIONS!!!! *Runs away from computer*
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Thursday, November 13, 2003
what i just found out, i am going to have to go to england. BUT!!, luckly i dont have to go until april, sooo thats a good thing for me.Hey if anyone lives or has been to england would you tell me what its like? Cause i need to know if its notjust propper people that talk to fast and drink tea while its raining all day!!!* breathes in* Ok that felt good. If you can tell me then thanks ^_^. Oh and P.S. thanks to you guys who said happy birthday to my mom and little sis. BYEEEZ.
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Monday, November 10, 2003
Hello Friends
Hey you guys! Looks like i came back a little bit later than i thought i would.So i guess i missed nothing huh?. OH YA!, and tomorow is my little sisters b-day so (yes im asking again) would you pleeeese tell her too?Oh no she trying to run off with my noodles again."Come back here you noodle snatcher!"*voice trails off*
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Friday, November 7, 2003
Good Bye For Now
Hello everyone.I wont be here for a couple of days(2 to be exact) so if i happen to miss anything or you want to tell me something say it right here.Thanks and see you guys soon :D ^_^
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