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Saturday, September 16, 2006
muh XD
Its mah birthday.. O-o Just thought id waste your time saying that XD
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Monday, September 4, 2006
someone adopt me..XD
You know..the reason i dont post alot isnt cause im lazy.its cause my life is just so uneventful..-_- Im so bored out of my mind..i cant go outside cause its to hot..i only have this and teh tv and games and such..i cant go anywhere cause i cant drive..but even if i did id be driving all the time..not of my own will though..bleh..im gonna go do things and stuff..dying..such..boredom..
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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

i have an anime doppelganger now,cause i have my glasses..:3
I should really stop being so lazy..XD; umm.. whats shakin out there..*-* Its raining here,yay..XP
Dude,i lost a bit of my memory..o-o I think someone threw something at me while i was asleep or i hit my head or something like that.. Its suposedly this guy that me and another friend talked to,she keeps making a big deal about it.. but i cant remember who he is for anything...Seems like i knew him well too..u-u she keeps talkin about pikachus and 'furi-kuri' whatever.. Oh well..if i dont remember who he is,he must not have been very important to me.. and the way she talks about him it seems like i dont really wanna remember who he is..u-u but if i do eventually remember who it is,this post will be in vein..i dont think any of you knew who he was..but oh well..
...Its so hot in here..XD; maybe ill upload some pictures on here..i dunno..stupid tv..maybe i should go play in the rain..o-o ... i might to that..XD
Ill try not to be lazy anymore,bye! XP
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I dont have anything to talk about cause my life is just that dull,so ill just ask this question..
Why is it that if a girl dates alot of guys,shes considered a slut or a whore,but if a guy dates alot of girls,hes considered a player?..
Its the same exact thing,but the girl gets the short straw,i cant stand thinking about it anymore,so ill see if you guys have any better answers..
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
hmm...the pizza boy is here.. ::smirk::

...Why do i have a blog..what is a blog..is it a blob and a log mixed?..or a bad logo.. XD;;
Ganglia..rats eat babies... Wheres my food,im starvin..i demand my chinese..or ill start eatin you..XD
Dude,church was awkward today,i was so sleepy...but cause i was,i had such a small attention span..so i drew stuff like always..yes i did listen just not alot.. floating magical blanket i drew..XD i feel bad for that pizza boy...
::sips drink:: yumm..23..XD ...i want my food before i drink it all..u-u
Avenged Sevenfold sounds so good right now..|3 not to loud though,i have sensitive ears..u-u+ but still..yay..XD;
Maybe ill go play Age of Empires later...kill some gr33ks..XD Ha,take that Geno..XD You stupid sasquatch...e-murk..XD
Im so bored,could someone IM me or somethin?..
Kay,i think im done being random now.. ::skitters off::
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Saturday, July 8, 2006
Dude!! ...eye appointment went fine..i didnt know it was gonna be that quick..x-x they flashed a light in my eyes and told me i have astigmatisim..u-u So im deffinantly gonna have to get glasses..oh well,at least ill be able to see..
...I wish i could get my internet back soon in my room..it'd be so much better,this room makes my head hurt..u-u; and my sister could play my games,and then everyone would be happy,i dont see why they wont give it back..oh well..
...i got nothin else to say..XD; so ill go..XP bye..
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
my eyes! they burrrnn..XD;
Happy ht o' July everyone! well,it might be 12:00 by the time i post this,so happy late 4th o' July then..XD
ahem anyways,hows everyone doin..my fourth was alright,cept i kept getting hit by debris..-.-+ lets see,i got hit on the nose,on the ear, on my leg,in my eye, on my arms, down my shirt, in my other eye..XD; it didnt feel nice,imagine that..XD
but yeah,we had hotdogs and hamburgers,typical american food.. played with fire works..things like that..fun fun red white and blue celebration..besides the getting hit part..XD yep..
so how was...ya'lls fourth?..sorry,im southern and couldnt think of another word..XD;
guess ill go now,i gots an eye appointment tomorrow..bye!
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
woohoo! hey guys! i had so much fun today! ...well its 12am not,so i guess yesterday..X-x but i went to church and they had water fights and stuff but i didnt want to play cause my hair would have messed up.. (yes i know i sounded like a girl just now..XD; ) but some retard with a rats nest for hair poured water on me.. but i fixed it,and we had hotdogs and stuff..and stuff outside and things...XD well,it was fun anyways,i got my bangs cut,and everyone says i look like im from an anime,but when i get glasses,ill probly look even more like im from one..XD; ah well,it was fun anyways,i got to play..well,ill go now,im real tired..byes!
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Friday, June 30, 2006
noooo! ...
grr..they lied to me,it wasent windows...im still stuck with linux...
..and i have an eye appointment on the 5th..x-x i forgot about it..XD
geez,will i ever get windows back..-.- i guess ill just have to go..read a manga or something..
im out of ramen..im going to starve to death..XD ah well,i wanna try that yaki soba stuff anyways..though i dont know if ill like it or not,but its worth a try..u-u
or i could go play a game...but id have to shove my sister out of the way and she'll cry,and i dont wanna hear it..u-u; ah well,ill go now and stop wasting space..bye..XD
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
im at my nanas doin some stuff..and i think i found a copy of windows,so i might..be..able..to fix..that..stupid...computer!! arg!! Du hast that computer!! XD kay..so if it works,ill change this post or do another one or something..bye! ...wish me luck..XD;
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