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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
moo-cows not moscow you idiot...
finnally,i fixed this stupid computer..X-x; i hate linux with a passion..+-+ its so useless! theres nothing easy about it! ... there is no way im converting from windows to this crappy thing..linux is not for your average windows addict,no it is not..u-u and cause im having to use this,i cant get any pictures scanned,or anything else like that..
... my sister wont stop counting..shes got to like 120 or something..+-+ Somedays i just wanna shake her to death..x-x but i wont do anything for a while cause of what i did last night..u-u; aah well,i guess ill go now, since nothing else has happened really..ciao..
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
woo! ...
Hey!! ... ahem..whats shakin with you guys..im..uh hungry..but i dont know what to eat..XD; maybe some noodles or somethin..
I kinda just spent the day playing a wrestling game..i have one of my friends on there,and he made me mad so i changed his outfit to a real short,blue chinese dress and changed his hair to a hot pink..XD ahh,such fun..plus,i made him fight against me and two other ppls..we won of course..XP i love doin that..XD and he comes out walkin like a girl..thats what he gets for makin me mad since i cant physically hurt him..you cracker..XD I do have the athorit-ay to say that,im part white..XD
See..my day wasent very eventful,the only thing else i did was fold the clothes mom told me to and eat some ramen..well,maybe something interesting will happen tomorrow..until then..bye! XP
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Hey guys! ... didja ever get the feeling that you're being watched..or stalked..something like that.. i dont feel like it right now..XD but you never know..+-+ There could be someone at your window,watching you right now..and you'd never know..oooo..yeah...
Little post,ill do more later,ciao! X3
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
hola el taco! XD
Hey everyone! ... umm..its sunday..yaaay..i went to church and stuff yadda yadda..i just doodle thinks on the paper they give us during the whole thing.. They threw away my paper today! +-+ I drew a pikachu turning into something else i made up..i dunno what it is but i call it Cheeko..XD and i drew other stuff too but...grr,they threw away my ancient chinese secret.. Oh well,i can just draw it again later..
Yeah,the church is having a bowling party tuesday and im invited,woohoo.. i hate getting my shoes from there,i dont know what to say to them cause i dont wear girls shoes.. well with me,when my shoe size got to a thirteen in womens,i figured i wouldnt worry about it and just start wearing guys shoes instead,besides,all the girl shoes in that size are ugly anyways...all girl shoes are ugly in my opinion..ahem..
anyways...grr,i wish i could use the scanner already,i have alot of stuff i wanna show..oh well,ill wait..
hmm,i guess ill go,i cant remember anything else i was gonna say..x-x bye!
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Saturday, June 10, 2006
oh em gee...
hi ppls! ...im back from the dead,wooo.. right,ive got seemingly good privlages back so i think i might be able to post here more.. lets see...
yeah,i dont act like i used to in my old posts,i have realized how much of a retard i was..XD i do still draw though..be it good or not..u-u atleast i try..
I dont think many ppl i used to talk on here come here anymore..tis a shame..oh well,all the more reason to make new friends..XP
Im getting glasses,yay joy and rapture...i do but i dont want them..i do so i can see,i dont cause i dont wanna hear the jokes..-_- but i suppose it'll be worth it..
i dont..really understand Evangelion..am i supposed to?.. I dont really like it..most likely cause of the bad kind of fanservice.. icky... it takes to much effort and brain procesing to figure out whats going on,to philosophical for meee.. i think ill just stick with Gravitation,thats easy to understand..XD
So..whats shakin with everyone else?.. been eatin your vitamins?.. drinking water?.. setting fire to bunnies...? ahem..sorry..mind wandering..>->
well..yeah,say somethin if you care,byes..XP
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Friday, February 10, 2006
hi you guys..umm...i know i havent been here in a while,something kinda happened,and im still trying to get it straightened out.. I do have a legitimate reason for not saying anything,but id rather not talk about it.. but i come here more that i used to,so ill get whatever you say to me sooner.. bye i guess..o-o
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
...hi..o-o ive been kinda dead for the past...what,five months now?..im sorry..@-@ I just got reealllyyy..lazy..feel free to beat me with something... ::looks around:: ..how do you work this thing again..eh,it'll come back to me.. Yeah..i might change things a bit..or i might not. depends. an i will try to update more often,promise..v-v By the way,if you've signed my guestbook,and still wanna be my friend,and i dont blame you if you dont,seeing as how long ive not replyed back to you,then just say something here...ive got waaay to many to reply to if i did.
...Im gonna go look around and try to remember how to use this.. x-x;
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Thursday, February 17, 2005

HEY YOU!! Yesh you there,with the face. im going to die..carry on my legacy of being lazy for me.. byyyeeeeee ::dies::
..... ::lives:: ahem..have fun being me?.. riiight. but cheeese.. ~throw a chicken in the air,stick a pencil up yer nose fly a jumbo jet,and then burry all your clothes~...
Hey..someone ask me to make something..like a icon er sumthin...i boreded..even though i should be sleeping..daaannccceee..
Magical Shoping Arcade Abenobashi...watch it..and if you cant..FIND SOME WAY TO!! O__O ::twitch twitch::
Yesh,King Wasabi,the world confuses me too.. ::nods:: ::cracks whip:: DOWN MUFASA!! o_o!!
hmm..i accually scanned some stuff..even though i cant scan worth crap..but,i wonder if MyO will let me put it up er not,this time..
Now everyone get on the boogey woogey choo choo train or perish!!! Yesh,Cottonballs the King of Disco will be there!!! oh,by the way,cookie to the person who can tell me who Cottonballs is.. mwahahaaa..
weeelll..i must go now,i know i know,why cant we all have metal detectors..just wait my friends..just wait..
BYYYEEE!!! ::dissapears into a poof-smoke-thing::
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
omg! there-was-this-guy-andandandandand-WHEEEEEEE!!

NO!! NONONONONO! crap!! #@%@$%@#$%!!! I fell asleep! >_< I knew i shouldnt have sat on the bed..it got comfy..EVIL!! Now i have to try it tonight,this is my last chance,till next week,cause i have to go to my dads again..rrrr. I-dont-want-to-go. ebil..ebilebilebil..silly rabbit,michel jaksons' for kids! o__o scary...
I think i have heartburn..X_x.. ::cough:: rr..
Bwahaha..i found out how to scare my sister and cousin even more..i just gotta walk around with a baseball bat! ^^ Im evil..|P
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..hi..ive been gone again..i know,im sorry,no one probably cares anyways..
Im not going to sleep tonight,er lastnight. Its about 2 hours till sunrise here.. I aint sleepin,cause im tired of going to bed really late,and im going to see if this works,so maybe i can be a normal person,and stop wasting half of the day. Im running out of things to do to keep me awake,though. Cant draw,takes to much brain power. Cant read,it makes me sleepy. My eyes will start to hurt if i stay at the computer to long. I might as well go and just watch tv er sumthin.. I hope this works or im gonna be really ticked off.
Oh yeah,i put up some more greeting-things a couple days ago. so,yey..i might make more,just to pass the time..
Yeah...i havent watched Inuyasha in a while..ill go do that.. ::walks away like a zombie::
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