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Friday, January 21, 2005

....i feel like im about to die..X_x. I just ran from my house to the store,and back..i cant breathe right...i almost fell while i was running cause my legs wouldnt stop. well,im kinda better now,but it still hurts to breathe.
My internets' being weird..it keep going off and on randomly..O_o its really gettin' annoyin'.
I just thought of something...if i typed like the way i talked..i couldnt imagine how many abriviations and other stuff id have to type..X_x id type more than id normally do.
I goin to a par-tay today..my cousins wanted me to come over and have a little party-thing with them..meh...
there was something else i was gonna say....OH! i got a dog..+_+ and,i named him Katsu..everyone looks at me funny when i tell them thats his name. yeah...he is a blonde little whiner!! but i like him..^^
i was so angry and my computer yesterday..+__+ I was drawing something,and i had almost finished coloring it,and my foot hit the power cord,and it shut off on me!! and i never got a chance to save it!! i was almost done with it too..TT___TT
well,it hurts to breathe bad enough,so im gonna go,like,rest for a bit..byes!
Oh,and if anyone wants to use that icon i put up,you can.
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Monday, January 17, 2005

fear the finger of DOOM...
........i just typed a whole post and this stupid @#$%@$*&% computer erased it... ::twitch::
anyways..in a nutshell,i tought my little brother to say speedos,and my little sis to say man skirt,and i said that i drew a comic,and it turned into a dream about a gay disco bar and it was speedo night..aaanndd..that i drew Kaiba in a hula skirt,and i was gonna go make ramen..so,id type it all over again,but i dont feel like it. byes..
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
In the begining,its all flowers and sweets. Then,its all turns to crap...

hihi everyone...bleh..i feel kinda weird..like its gonna be the end of the world soon..im serious. If you really think about it,and and i know ya'll live in different places,so it might not apply to you but, there that Tsunami-thing,the weather here has been drastically changing for this time of year,theres all those mud slides,and avalanches in California,that Iraq war-crap,and lots of other stuff has been happening... and im scared that someone is gonna take me away from my family..well,im homeschooled,right? (if ya didnt know before,well,ya know now..) and some ppl are acussing me of not doing my work,and blaming my mom for other things too..and i dont wanna get take away..me,or my little sister. heh,my moms trying to cheer me up by saying how smart i am and how i will get smarter when i grow up...i would be smarter now,if my b**** of a step-mom had'nt came and taken my dad away from me.. shes not that bad,i just have not really forgiven her for doing that...i feel the need to perfect my skills in something,but i dont know what..my knowlage,maybe?..or maybe my drawing skills,i already know that they need some work. I need to start going to bed earlier than i do,the days seem to be getting shorter and shorter. Maybe thats just whats wrong with me...not enough sleep. oh well.
anyways,i might make some more greetings..dont know if i should or not.. but..seeing that is almost 2 in the morning, (see?..told ya i dont get enough sleep...) i think ill be going to bed now..bye.
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Thursday, January 6, 2005

DUUDE!! I did it again!! I ment to post before...but my excuse is still the same..i didnt feel like typing the post..v_v shame on me. Buuuttt,I MADE SOME GREETING CARDS!! ..O_o theres 3 up right now,but i sent in some more,so they should be in soon. umm..most of them are of Honda.....well,you dont see him anywhere much... ::hides fangirl Honda-stuff:: A-HAHAHAHA-.... ::goes back under her rock:: i shall hide here...mweheeheeheeee..
Oh,and i dont think ive said it but,HAPPY NEW HEAR!!! ::throws confetti:: ::goes to a party:: ::comes back:: wooooo..
I got no anime stuff for christmas what so ever..TT__TT it not fair..I NEED STUFF!!!! ::starts writing her christmas list...early..:: ...i drew money last weekend..O_o. My freind got an Xbox..+_+. need...anime..products..X__x; help.. ::colapses to the ground:: go on with out me...ill be alright..ill just listen to my Blink-182 cd.. gasp.. faarreee wweeelllll...
Duude,im listening to my cd i just mentioned,and i wanna sing the lyrics,but i cant...on the count of me being a goodie two-shoes and all..but its sooo funny..CURSE ME AND MY GOODNESS!!! Nope,no curse words out of this mouth.
....Im being very random now,arent I?..oh well,sooo,as soon as i think about anything else to say,ill try to make myself type it..X_x...Ja!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
gasp..call the news room,she posted!!!

yeeaahh..>>...how long has it been since i posted..a week? two?..meh,well,i sorry,i guess i didnt have anything good to post about..either that,or i was just to lazy to go type it out..>>;....i dont really have anything to talk about now..X_x well,cept for to say,Happy Christmahanukwanzaka!!..O__o...and i thank whoever made that commercial,cause i wouldnt have been able to spell that..Xx..well..teh last post i made was about me being sick?...woah..that was a loonngg time ago..O_o oh,by the way,HIT ME FOR NOT PPOOSSTTIIINNGGG!! i deserve it..+_+ .....we are both ventriloquists..and we practice every day!..he carrys a basket,he carrys a paper roll!...>_>..umm..eh heh heh...BLAME TEH MOVIE!! o_o..AHH!!...my sister keep making this weird face..o_o...but after a while,i start laughing,and i cant help it..i cant even describe what she looks like..xD umm..i have a question...WHAT DO MAGES' WEAR?!?!!? o___o i need to kknnoooowww.. X__x its going to make me crraazzzyyy-er than i already am..Oo sooo..yeah..i think im gonna go now,mom said i had to get ready..i dont like christmas partys..-_-...to many ppls..byes! and i dont think ill make this big of a gap im my posts again..Oo
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
::sneezes:: ..-_-+...
.......i dont really have anything to say...cept im sick..and it is no fun..no fun at all..--...i suppose i could put this up,just to make up for my no-post-ness..so here..

Enjoy teh flutterby.. ::sneezes:: --+..
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Well,look who finnally decided to post?..haa...well..hi,hows everyone doing?..me?..im getting brainfreezes off of orangejuice..--...not fun..its makin my head hurt..man,its cold over here..o_o...
::blink:: ........ ::blink blink:: -o-zzZzzZz... ::gets poked with a stick:: huh?! oh,yeah,im supposed to be posting..eh heh heh..>>...umm..im tempted to play my N64,seeing that it is the only game system i have in my room right now..-- (all the working playstations are being used..we have like 7 of them,but not all work,yeah,fear us..) ::gets lost in a pile of wires:: AHH!!!..o.o...one day,i swear im gonna get electrocuted...again..>>...why did the word 'head fuzzys' just pop up in my head?..O_o;;...o-kaaay then,i think ill go before i hurt my self..oh wait..im supposed to put this up..

There,ooooo,another one... 'insanely fluffy'...O_o..that sounds like a website name..well..byes!
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Monday, November 15, 2004

yey! i finnally have a doodle for yas! ^^ not the best thing,but meh..YGO movie comes out tommorow~! ^^ i must get it!!! My life depends on it!! ...Brain mush...duuuurrrrr....well..i tink i gonna take my leave now.. ::bows and goes to another place:: wahahaa..
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
..nooo! I dont have a doodle for today..v.v...the thing i use to draw with is on another computer,plus it would be really hard to draw on this computer anyways,seeing as i have to use a hand-held mouse..oh well...ill just have to wait till i go back to the other house..hmm..maybe i can find a pic one this computer though..hmm..lets see...ah! here we go! ^^.....no wait..thats just cheese..--..umm..okie dokie then..ill just put up a pic..

There! a wunnerfull chibi pic for yas! ^^ byyeeee!
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Friday, November 12, 2004

Finnally!! I finished another doodle-thingy..^^ It took long enough to color..--...oh well,it was worth it..^^ Theres just one downfall to finishing it,that i have no idea what im want to draw next...a little help? :3..
Its wet outside..-_-...oh well,not like i go out there often..hisssss...i shall live in darkness for the rest of my life...raaahhh..>>....okay,i shall leave now,see if i cant comment on some sites,things like that..byes!
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