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Friday, October 22, 2004

this should do a good job of displaying my anger...
DOOM ON DIVORCED PARENTS!!! DOOM ON ALL OF THEM!!!!! i dont wanna go to my dads tomorow...;__;..it not fair....i dun wanna go to his spooty house and stay for a spooty weekend,just to come back to this spooty house...grr..i gotta remember to dig that hole im planing on digging...and then it shall be MY hole in the ground!!! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

BEHOLD!! Him and his no-shirted-egyptian greatness! +__+..
Hey everybody! ^^ I GOTS TRIGUN MANGA!! X3... i got the first two..they're very thick,but i got finished reading them in less than a day..-__-...so that stunk..buutt thats when i just read my Shonen Jump! ^^ yeys fer meh!
Okies,i changed my background to Kaiba,in honor of teh tallest of the Seahorses' b-day! yeys! Im gonna try and find some more stuff to put up here,so,im off Kaiba theme searchin! byes! ^^
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Friday, October 8, 2004

Dang it...they went to la-la land without me..
Hey ya'll..confused,be I,today..i aint gonna be here for the weekend(AGAIN!!..-.-...) so..ya...feel free to talk in teh chatter box..nudgenudge...for some reason when i say that..it reminds me of Monty Python..oh well...ill see u ppls lrz! byes! ^^
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Thursday, October 7, 2004

Kaiba sends ya a memo..
Kaiba: I WANT THOSE PAPERS ON MY DESK BY TOMMOROW!!!..oh ya and tomomrow is casual day..thats all
......o/__\o...needsleep...i wish i could just dig a hole,shove all teh computer,electronics,a bed,and all those other little good thingys in it,jump in,AND NEVER COME OUT!! But my luck,i cant find a shovel..-__-...besides,someone would just dig me up anyways..probably for me just to get them a soda..¬¬...or cottage cheese..>< blegh..i had to wake up at 8:00 in teh flippin mornin cause some idiot wont let teh house payment,or what ever it is,be!!,and its freezing cold here (55° to be exact..)!! So,im here,having to watch my sister..its not that bad though..theres no one to bother me...the only bad thing is,that this stupid pony commercial keeps comming on,and my sister sings the song every time..-__-...then theres teh Dora...STOP WITH TEH DORA!!! O___O..oh well it could be worse...she could like Barney..o_____________o;;...
Okay i cant think of anything else to say...i think my brain is just a big pile of mush now..@__@...here,enjoy teh pondering question of teh day,or whenever i feel like doing another one,or can think of one..-.-..
If Yugi ever grew chest hair,what color do u think it would be?..O__o...
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
...someting wrong with meee..its almost 4:00am,and im still awake..i think ive got my biological clock mixed up...oh well im gonna go to bed now neways..=_=...here,enjoy a random moment of my life..
Me: ::is watching Inuyasha::
Jaken: D@mn that sneaky badger!
Mom: ::is sleeping on teh couch,cause of teh little-baby-thing we have to watch:: ::snorts real loud in her sleep,rolls over and goes back to sleep::
Sesshomaru: So,Totosai is gone...
Jaken: ::says a bunch of crap that i cant remember all of::
Mom: ::asleep:: SHUT UP!!
Me: .....O___o...o-kaaay..i guess she doesnt like Jaken..
There..enjoy it? get bored to death? any questions? no? okay then..byes...
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
....-__-...this is bad...im begiging to bore myself to death..i should figure out more interesting things to talk about...but,just my luck,i cant think of anything...-_-..well,thats me for ya..
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Monday, October 4, 2004
HEY!! Someone PM me or e-mail me er sumthing!!! i dun care who ya are,or what its about...just say someting to meee....i feel weird..like i need to get up and go do something..O__o..( and no weird thoughts ya pervs!!!! i aint like that..i havent found my inner self yet..-.-...)
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Just testing something..
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Saturday, October 2, 2004

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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

give MiroChu more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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