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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Hey,isnt today Bakura's birthday?...well..i dunno if it is or not but HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAYS RYOU BAKURA!!! ^^ YAY!! He shall be my british muffin! ^^ XDD!
OMG.....I have over 600 visits!!! YAY!! w00t!! I must par-tay! Who wants to party? C'MON!!! WEEEEEE!!!!
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O.O....::is about to rip out her hair:: Can anyone tell me how to keep me background image still?!? I've been trying to figure it out for quite some time now...if you can tell me,it'd be most apriciated! Cya!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Hello again! Geez,its been a long time since i've posted on here...hmm..well...lets see...i still havent seen the YGO movie yet....i wanna see it,but it looks like i wont be able to cause i have been waiting to go since it came out...oh speaking of that, MY B-DAY IS ALMOST HERE!!! I dunno why im so happy about it though....i never do anything when it is my b-day so...::sigh:: meh...I am soooo bored right now....oh ya, can some of you join this? i just made it and i thought it'd be neat to have one...dont know why i made it though...oh well..heres the link ©hìßí-Mî®ð-§àmá'§ ÎѧÂÑÎTÝ if it doesnt work,there should be the link up at the top of my site.......i think i found a working scanner! I went rummaging through my closet and found it..but i still have to find the cords to it and test it out...soo..i dunno.....i am seriously ticked right now...someone who came down to my house for a visit broke my cd!! she took some little sharp thing and went in circles around the top so now it doesnt work...and then she left my cd player out in the rain,so now THAT doesnt work either...grrrr..-.-....oh well...at least i still got my other cd..oh and if u've signed my guest book,im soooo sorry that i havent gotten back to you yet..i will try to get to it soon...well,thats all for now i guess...( You must talk to meee!!!) I'll ttyl! ^^!
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Friday, August 13, 2004

I DUN WANNA GO!!! TT_______TT...
Hey ya'll,just wanted to say somethin before i leave. I aint gonna be back until like sunday er sumthin like that...soo..ya,so ill like talk to all ya'll l8rz! BYE! ^^!
P.S. If you signed my GB,ill try to get back to you when i get back,k?alrighty then..
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
ok,white and black seem to be the best colors for this type of background,so ill use white....o.o...i think im officially scared...my mom just walked up to me and gave me a $20!!! But aside from that...
I JUST GOT AN EVANESCENCE CD!!! I've been waiting to get one for sooooo long!! im so happy! Now if you gave me a copy of Shonen Jump then id be one happy camper!!! I wish i had a scanner ;_;...i really want to show u guys my pics...i drew this pic of Yugi all highlighted so it looks so cool in a blacklight!!!Now im starting to draw a comic! ;____;...oh well..., i guess ill ttylrz! ^^!
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Dont mind me, im just trying out some new stuff ^^!
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Hey everyone...its like 7:20 over here and im plum-tired. Im just out of energy er sumthin...(i even drank a cup of coffee and THAT didnt work..) my eyes are really hurting i think i need to stop staying up so late..ive been going to bed at almost around 4:00am and waking up at around 10:00-10:30...it may seem alot to you guys but when i get up i have to watch 3 hyper-spazzing-kids all day...then i have to help around the house and things like that...everywhere i go,there is a kid..im getting sick of it..cant get no salvation,but finnaly!,im gonna go out with just me and my mom to like see a movie er sumthin like that,some time this week (she said she promised she would and if she didnt she told me to put a knive to her throught...) so im happy..yay...cant u see the excitment?...well just wanted to update this thang..so ttylrz! -_-..
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
I just had to do this...IM ACCUALLY POSTING IN MY hOUSE!!!! I havent been home in a while! ahh...feels good o.o...oh-no...POP UP-ADS!!!AAAHHHHH!!!!! oh well at least i can listen to all my music and stuff now...Kazaa...kazaa....how i missed u so..o.O..eherm..well i just needed to do that so id better hurry up before this thing goes all funky-fied on me. Ttylrz! ^^!
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
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Friday, August 6, 2004

Laughter is great in numbers,to bad Kaiba is the only one who thinks its funny...o.O..
Ok....umm...this is a song parodie thingy i made up but...i dunno the whole song so...if anyone knows the rest of the song plz tell me! ^^! Its that coconut song ya know, 'ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts..' that song..i made Y.Yugi and Kaiba sing it cause it makes since with Y.Yugi, and i just wanted Kaiba to be in it!...so..TADA!!

Yami: i've got a lovely bunch of kuribohs..
Kaiba: dodeledo..
Yami: there they are,all up in a bunch..
Kaiba: rompromprompromp...
Yami: Big ones,fluffy ones,some will block ur attacks...
Kaiba: umm....lalala i dunno this part...dodedo..
umm...thats all i know...so..ya.....I..AM..SO....BORED!!! *goes to find something to contain her boredom*...ooooo GAMES!! Welp,Ttylrz ^^!
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