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myOtaku.com: miroku1girl

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Though I am considered a dark creature I am quite good a light based spells my mentor is the queen of the wood elves herself Priestess Lahra Annela Woodrelen. She is very kind. Compared to what humans think of them wood elves just want to protect their forests. Humans think that the forests are theirs so there is usually some major conflics. I am what you call a median between them I am very high up on a humans status so it is quite easy for me to keep the forest the elven people live in protected in fact there is even still a wolf pack running there. My best friend is the pack leader, his name is Jack, we grew up together. His mother Tala took me on my first hunt. I can still remember it, the first day the geese flew in it was pretty cold but my fur kept me warm, though because it was only my second time changing I was a little scared. The first time I had changed I was just a pup and Tala's sister Lichen took me in, I remember being cold and looking around, then suddenly being lifted up and being taken to Tala's den. Lichen was warm and the den was cool not cold but just right. Then I remember hearing whimpering and feeling other pup moving around me before I fell asleep. I guess you coud say I fit in better with wolves than humans. I can change willingly now so I go to see them any chance I get.