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somewhere in a tree with a box of pocky and my clipboard^-^
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artist, world dominator
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rock climbing
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inuyasha (duh) oh wait i dont know chichciri, kenshin, hiei, kurama, ryoko, shinji, asuka, kita, kaire aww $hi++
those of u who kno me kno that goals are not in my book, im seriouse richard scarys greatest day ever book says nothing about goals!!!
drawing, eating, sleeping, shopping, talking, extrme sports, movie watchin and eating pocky!
those words dont mean anything to me soooo im just gonna say if u cant figure it out by the time you've seen my site ur dumb and reading isnt one of ur talents
| mirokunomiko
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
oooooh i am grounded and sneaking on so i cant scan any thing in for a looooooooooooong time! =( i know you guys are all sad! but i will try to draw them and when i'm not grounded i will scan them in! welll......i will try to answer q's in g.b and also reply but if i dont i'm sry!!
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Friday, April 2, 2004
has anyone here been to web i luuuv that site! and i have been grounded for a while so i may not post for a while!
so im sorry if u have a request but its gonna have to wait.... sooorrry! well if u dont know what rpging its like an interactive chat room! its bunches of fun! well have fun chasin gofers!
ja ne
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
has anyone here been to
i luvv it! go visit it if you havent.. i luv the cheat! hes awesome!
i tried to submitt a picture of him but adam didint like it..tell me what ya think!
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
its been a while since my scaners been down the crapper! so now its up im going to draw my 2 requests! yaaaaaaaaay! kyu goined a rpg! theyre fun! especialy when they are huge rpg sites!
ja ne
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
kyu's almost done with a request! it was fun!
i now have a new fun person to draw!
so if you have a request post it!
especialy if i havent drawn them yet!
and if you want yourself drawn with anybodie thats okay! (no hentai)
ja ne
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
the ending
jaken what are you doing???
umm uh oooooooh nothing....
eeewww sesshoumaru sama what are these? Golds cig are ets? groos theey smell!
Jaken how dare you smoking without lips! not in my house!!!
woow how do you do it without lips?! you shouldnt be able to!
thats what makes it sooo cool!
-jaken ended up paying the death penalty for smoking without lips-
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Saturday, March 20, 2004
another story
okay the story is called the kind hearted sesshoumaru.
sesshoumaru sama! rin wants to watch inuyasha!
no rin no
butt all rins friends get to watch inuyasha!
rin you have no friends!
yes rin does, Jaken sama!
so HE watches inyuasha?!
yess he said so!
JAKEN!!!! i thought i told you never to watch that show! it makes it seem like i only have one arm!all i did was tuck my arm inside my shirt so you wouldnt see that gaaping scar its tooo ugly!
jaken..... where are you?
Look sesshoumaru sama! jaken is in his room it looks like hes doing something! EEEEWWW it smells in his room!grooose!
what is Jaken doing?
why is he hiding it? and why does rin wanna watch inuyasha?(she lives right next door)
All these questions...FIUND OUT the answers and add your posts. Oh yeah kyus going to draw kouga! and ginta and hakaku! so all you kouga lover keep watching!
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Friday, March 19, 2004
it was kouga
inuyasha tugged at the angel and pop all his wings fell off, and his haylo. That angel was kouga!
OHmy goSH! its kouga!yelled kagome why are you wearing a robe?
oh uhhhh nothing...alright the wolves sorority club thingy. TOGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! yelled kouga as he ran off.
tell me what ya think of the story, and add some sugestions too
ja ne
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yup dats me!
 Mischievous, trouble making, eccentric and curious
You are no sprite! Your a pixi! Full of mischief and spunk you are a natural prankster and love to pull wild and crazy stunts! You have sticky fingers and anything shiny is quite attractive and will pull you towards it like a magnet! But your not all bad, you have a great sense of humor that will make even the most up-tight person laugh, to make people laugh is an awesome gift! You are quite childish and most times leap before you think, fun comes before reason but to you the price is worth paying. Pixies are usually quite a nuisance, you are very unique. You are full of energy and childlike happiness, you know how to live life to the fullest!
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a human shadow. If a loved one needs you, you are always right at his or her heels! Your deep social connection with human beings produces your qualities of genuine caring and charisma. However, at times you are naive to the true nature of your loved ones. Remember that humans' gift of free will does not always lead them in wise directions. But your essence of love and friendship represent the other precious gifts of humanity. Overall you are a strikingly valuable and innocent being who has a lot to give.(please rate my quiz cuz it took me for freaking ever to create)
What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
guess what... ive got a story, and it goes like this!
one day inuyasha really pissed Kagome off.(sorta like everyday) kagome yells OSUWARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! and a harp falls on inu's head. GRRRRRRR WHo did that?! then an angek tackles him. INuyasha dont hurt the angel!
GRRRRR im gona tear him limb from limb! yeled inu.
Oh yeah there already dead so DONT HURT HIM!
but something seemed familiar about this angel... It had a pony tail and called inuyasha dog crap...... alot
WHo is the angel?!
will inu beat it?!
FIND OUT IN tomorrows episode of inuyasha!
no really add your posts to say who you think it is and ill tell you if your right or wrong. then tomorow ill rap it up !!
ja ne
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