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somewhere in a tree with a box of pocky and my clipboard^-^
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artist, world dominator
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rock climbing
Anime Fan Since
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inuyasha (duh) oh wait i dont know chichciri, kenshin, hiei, kurama, ryoko, shinji, asuka, kita, kaire aww $hi++
those of u who kno me kno that goals are not in my book, im seriouse richard scarys greatest day ever book says nothing about goals!!!
drawing, eating, sleeping, shopping, talking, extrme sports, movie watchin and eating pocky!
those words dont mean anything to me soooo im just gonna say if u cant figure it out by the time you've seen my site ur dumb and reading isnt one of ur talents
| mirokunomiko
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
I just figured out how to open the screen on my window! im sooo happppy! now if only my mom wouldnt be home this sunny saturday(thinks of a nice tan) ooooooooooohh yeah just my style! well im gonna go draw on the roof!
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yup tats me
 You are an Anime Tease. You arent quite a slut seeing as you ahve morals. But you still enjoy toying around with men's emotions. Perhaps you just need to find true love?
What Kind of Anime Babe are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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 congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything. You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're as dark as can get. You like to laugh at people, make fun of them, hurt their feelings. You're in so deep, you'll never get out, and you probably don't want to get out too. You make the world a darker place. Better get my flashlight...
Please rate ^^
What kind of dark person are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, March 15, 2004
its spring break!ITS TIME FOR STARTIKA! yaaaaaaaaaaay that and i got my hair dyed! ohhhh yeah! i didnt tell my parents untill after i did it... THey loved it!yes i didnt get grounded for it! 'cause it was all a natural color! really dark red! yeap my fav color! well i gotta go mop the floors
ja ne
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
new fanart
dont worry kyu will be posting a new fanart soon! kyu has been verrry busy listing to the radio! me likey jason mraz, maroon 5, do as infinity, niame amuro, and boa! soo boom with that attitude no reses peices 7up you mess with me ill mess you up! woow thats fun! well my A)pencil
are calling me!
ja ne
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004
you and i both loved what you and i spoke ov love love you and i not so little you and i anymore!!
sorry bout that
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 You are Red.
Th color of passion. You put your eart and soul into what you do...or who you do. Red's tend to have one hell of a sex drive. Don't let it take you over.
What Color Best Represents Your Personality? brought to you by Quizilla You are an Anime Tease. You arent quite a slut seeing as you ahve morals. But you still enjoy toying around with men's emotions. Perhaps you just need to find true love?
What Kind of Anime Babe are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
kyu had a really good week! youll never guess what she did... KYU had a day without a stalker! yaaaaaaaaaay(loud cheering) well also i had a bad week, i went from 17 stalkers to 21 stalkers SOOOOOOB but then theres ashlyns party and richards party and misssys party to look forward to and my verry own b-day too! yeees but unfortunatly my mom is know friends with one of my stalkers moms....ahhhhhhhhhh BIRTHDAY OF DOOM! MUST UNFRIEND MY MOM! sorry and for those of you who know me(RINU) its my most hated stalker of all....GRRRR. oh no my moms on the phone! bad things happen when my moms laughing on the phone! well lemme go drive the phone to its utter enialation!
ja ne
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Monday, March 1, 2004
should there be a......
okay here goes! i just read wedding peach with my friend rinu and saw this really cool guy in it. so after we read the whole thing i went back a few pages to look at him as i drew. his names pluie or pluii one of the two (ive seen it spelled both ways) so should i submitt it(its really cool) or should i request to have a new anime section and then if he does or dosent post it? also have any of you read wedding peach?
ja ne
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Sunday, February 29, 2004
once apon a time there was a hanyu, this hanyus name was inuyasha. One day when he was going to the bathroom someone said you need to use a litter box for that! What?! the flower garden isnt good enough? thought the hanyu so called inuyasha. so he called up his non-hanyu brother sesshoumaru. "sesshoumaru you live in a house, do you know how to use a litter box?" questioned the hanyu... why of course not! yelled sesshoumaru. but i have taught many animals such as yourself how to use one! why dont you call a bunch of your hanyu buddies and have me teach them the joys of using the littwer box!" so inyu did.
~at the meeting~
so inu corro.. whats this thing called a litter box? asked the ever curious kouga.
Idunno but someone told me to use one and sessho. said he could help! so i called naraku, you, and jenjij. so sesshoumaru will you teach me now?
sure you pathetic excuse for a brother. replied sesshoumaru. i cant believe that you want to learn the technique that i had to teach cats! i mean come on your a dog deamon! DOG DEAMON! if you were this weird colage of deamons like naraku then i would understand but a DOG DEAMON nu uh! so then naraku left crying.. "sniiiif im not that mixed up im mostly spider deamons!" kouga left grumbling something about a cat and honor and inuyashas retarded....
"inu why are you still here?!" demanded sesshoumaru.
"because kagome bought me a giant litter box and said if i didnt use it she'd have to eat steaks infront of me and id have to be a vegitarian."
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