Birthday 1990-03-08 Gender
Female Location Alabama Member Since 2005-11-25 Occupation ... I need one. Real Name Cassandra, AKA- Cassie!
Achievements None to speak of. Anime Fan Since Four or five years ago. Favorite Anime Zoids, Saiyuki, Yami no Matsuei, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Trigun, Samurai Champloo, Sukisyo, Loveless, Gravitation, Wolf's Rain, Bleach, Death Note, Legal Drug Goals A six-figure salary. And immortality. Hobbies Band, fanfiction, my clarinet, music, art, Final Fantasy, DDR, being a dork in general. Talents I can make my tongue look like a three-leaf clover! Miss Lemons
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
This started so innocent... and then it went to a bad, dark place of wolf-girl-faery-things. Thank heavens for large, strategically placed tails.
Day two of 2006!
Last night I had a dream about Dir en Grey. I don't know how it happened but it did. Not that I'm complaining, any dream that doesn't involve decapitation and monsters gutting me open is a good one!
So... yeah. I'm sure everyone found that facsinating.
And Auburn is currently getting it's ass kicked by Michigan, 17-3.
(This is some kind of Half Life reference, but I thought it looked a bit like what I imagine a Cleveland zombie to look like. Just sharing.)
Yay 2006!
Happy New Year! I hope your next 365 days are ones filled with happiness and joy, not pain and stupidity. Good luck with any resolutions you made (mine is to practice my clarinet daily... that won't last long).
"Maybe a story will cheer you up! It's called The Ugly Barnacle. Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."
I love Patrick Star.
Neat (but probably not worth reading note)- every other person on my friends list has updated today, so the lines are white, blue, white, blue, white, blue, so on. Well _I_ thought it was cool.
Happy New Years Eve!
I got KH:COM and Saiyuki vol. 1! I'm quite happy. No Utada Hikaru CD unfortunately, but mom's word is final. I'll respect that.
My dad's outside rebuilding our porch (it collapsed during Rita) and my mom's been asleep all day. That means I got stuck with my sister all morning and had to change the grossest, smelliest, most disgusting diaper EVAR. Yuck. So nasty, so green.
Have a Happy New Years, don't get killed by fireworks!
Let's see...
Listening to: (Don't Fear) The Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult
I just had an hour and twenty minute conversation on my cell phone... my parents are going to KILL me. *sobs*
But other than that... I hate how the Naruto anime drags, BTW. I can't stand how they take a book that I can read in 30 minutes (slowly) and stretch it into 20 episodes. It's inhuman.
And thus the holiday break is winding down. I need to practice my clarinet (we've got some tough music this year) and I still have to finish my giant DNA strand model. I hate school.
Ugh, this morning was awful. And because I know you all want details, it involved a very bad eye-ache/headache and nausea to rival what I had just after the surgery. I literally ended up laying on the bathroom floor and trying to make myself throw up just to get it over with. And then it went away, go figure.
I've also been introduced to one of my new favourite songs, Turn the Sky by Apocalyptica ft. Angelzoom. Soooo pretty, so good. But really, the second I heard that Apocalyptica was four Finnish celloists I was hooked!
And I'm currently working on my mom so she'll get me Utada Hikaru's Passion CD off Amazon. But because it's an import it'll take 4 to 6 weeks to get here, what a blow.
For your entertainment:
Ninja cats!
And even a pirate one.
Kids Bop sucks.
Seriously, those kids have no talent.
And I just got my ankle dressing off and my stitches pulled out, and now I can see my ankle for the first time in over a week! It's even got this mega-bruise! The whole side of my foot near my heel is black, blue and purple. But after a week of walking on my toes, putting my entire foot down feels weird, like my right leg is shorter than the left. Mmmhmmm...
The toilet
One of the funniest sites I've ever seen, and for two reasons: The Adventures of Super Retarded Dog and The Non-Livingstons.
You can check it out (but you might not want mom and dad or impressionable children around when you do... maybe.)
I love Sifl and Olly (and Liam Lynch) and I love Naruto. Therefore, I instantly loved Ninja of the Night and all things related, like this! Comments (5) |
Stupid, stupid...
Ah, stupid freaking computer! Oooh, I want nothing more than to hurl a bottle of nailpolish at the screen. And say a lot of bad, obscene things. Ugh, I was halfway through a 4 page report about DNA and it totally crapped out on me! Oh, technology sucks.
And I got Final Fantasy IV today and so far it's absolutely great. And it only took me 40 minutes to figure out how to start it! (Yes, I'm that bad with electronics.)