myOtaku.com: Miss Sparrow
Friday, June 22, 2007
Last day of school...
Yep, like the subject says, today was the last day of school. Normally, people would be happy it was the last day of school, but not me, I'm not going to see Emily next year, and I'll never see Daniel again. TT_TT I wanted to give him a good-bye hug, but Joseph would've made fun of me since he's always right there next to Daniel. -_-;;
Since it was the last day of school, I brought my DS to school and did pictochat with a bunch of kids in my class, and bark mode with Thailia on nintendogs. And it was a minimum day, so after school my mom took me out to eat.
Yesterday I graduated. Yep. I graduated. :] And after that, I went to breakfast, and then to Best Buy. At Best Buy my dad got me a digital camera, and Pirates 3 the game for my DS. ^_^ They're just graduation/early birthday gifts. Which come to think of it, my birthday's next Wednesday. And you know what sucks? All of my friends are gonna be gone that week. ;_;
I'm getting really good at drawing Happy Tree Friends. ^_^ I can draw Flippy really good, and Handy perdy good. I haven't tried anyone else, cuz those are my fav. characters. Oh, and speaking of HTF, there's alot of ppl on YouTube named after their stuff, there's Flippy's knife and Nutty's candy...then what am I? Handy's hard hat 'er something??
Well, guess that's it. Have a great summer everyone. BUH-BYEz!
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