Youth Court Today.
My parents have decided I need to "get out more",
so they're forcing me to do Youth Court.
Basically it's a mini-class in law.
Then, after I graduate the howevermanyweeks-long class, i have to attend court days.
Y'know when kids get in trouble? For lifting or something? something minor? Yeah, well, they get sent to youth court.
My job is either to defend them, or prosecute them (with a group of a few other kids, depending on what i'm assigned.)
Should be...gahannoying.
But, luckily, Jaila and Brittany are prolly doing it with me, so it should be okay.
It's every tuesday and thursday from 3:30 until 5:00.
swiggle-lip face.
My stomach hurts when you talk about it.
I know why, but I don't wanna know why.
And it's not like I can just tell you to shut up, because I know you'll wanna know why, and i'll probably end up telling you.
Went to Chuckie Cheese's with Nadia last night.
we totally fail at dance, dance revolution knock-off (it wasn't actually DDR, it was a total knock-off).
But i KICKHERASS at that little ball-rolling game.
CEPT SHE CHEATED! cuz she we were playing the car racing game and i was in first place until the very last second where she slammed into me, sending me spiralling and won first place.
Can't RP wiff Nadia for a week since she's grounded. :(
and it's...8:17am and i'm suppose to be at school, except i'm not cuz my car broke down. so we're waiting for AAA to come, and my parents actually think Imma go in late and accept a detention. HA! i think not.
And I really shouldn't be skipping today, because I have to hand in the project for Jaila, Brandon and I but theres really nothing I can do. By the time I get to school the class woul be over anyways. :/