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close your eyes and think of the crappiest place on the face of the earth....yeah thats where im forced to live.
Member Since
at the moment...i have none
Real Name
You dont need to know it. Please just call me Spike
Going to State with one of my artworks, finishing half a book, with high hopes of getting it published.
Anime Fan Since
A long time. I started out with pokemon when i was little and just worked my way up.
Favorite Anime
DeathNote. Fullmetal Alchemist. Wolf's Rain. Grave of the Fireflies
Pulbication. Recognition as an artist. Becoming a professional tattoo artist, or clothing desginer.
Drawing, painting, Writing, playing guitar, listening to music, hanging with the gang, or hanging with my boy.
Drawing. Writing. and i can touch my nose with my tongue...
| missmurder14
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, August 18, 2006
MY EVIL PLAN WUZ FOILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday we went to my cuzins house but he was at school so i hid these two scaring pictures of these really scary people...BECKY AN SUSAN!!!!! and i made it interesting by leaving him clues as to where i hid them here are the clues:
1; what looses its head in the morning and gets it back at night(answer,a pillow wich led him to his pillow)
2; we grow in the garden
we grow in the yard,but if u think this inst too hard extra clue*in the form of a chair, we usually grow after rain* ( wich led him to his mushroom chair)
3;six of the seven deadly sins of hell: wrath,greed,envy,lust,gluttony,sloth.
( wich led to his fullmetal alchemist dvd)
4;this clue was special and none of u will understand probobly, FREDDIE vs. jason ( he has a stuffed dog named freddie and the last clue was on his collar. the last clue said this" becky and susan have currently moved to a different place...sorry" yeah i acctually put them in a book of his! i led him on a completly pointless scavanger hunt. HA HA DANIEL HA HA!!! but sadly my stupid sister told him where th pics my evil plot was spoiled >_
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
ROB ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DRAGULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Music Video Codes - MySpace Layouts
This is like one of my fav. songs ever!!! hope u like it and if u dont i really dont care cause its an awsome song anyway.........and i dont care what u THINK!!!!!!WA HA HA HA HA!!!! just kiddin.
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DO U DARE PRESS THE BUTTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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Monday, August 14, 2006
DNANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dark,Diasuke,Satoshi,+ Krad
This is a dedication to one of my favorite animes'DNAngel just cause it rocks!!!! ENJOY!!!
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
im in a pic mood today!!!!

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Question me if u want but THESE PITURES R FREAKIN AWSOME!!!!!!!
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RANDOM SPAZZY STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Barely Alive
Barley alive
Yet still breathing
Barley alive
But Im not leaving
A funeral for my soul
A funeral out in the cold
Put away like a porcelin figure
The guns in hand just pull the trigger
If you drop me I may break
I close my eyes yet im awake
Bleeding at heart because of the lie
No longer sane is that why i cry?
Barley alive
But still breathing
Barely alive
Yet still bleeding
Confort me,with a kinfe
Sick and tired of this and of life
No longer alive
Peaceful and sleeping
No longer alive
Not sorrowed not weeping
And so the heartbeat stopped.......forever
Photobucket Video and Image Hosting">
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Just a letter from Chained Wolf
Call me what you may,friend,enemy,confort,or simple exsistance. For that is what we are nameless. Names are only to identify us,names have no perpose, if we think about it. Does a name matter as I sit under the full moon awaiting a victim to pass. Does a name matter as we lay to sleep at night. Name has no importance in our living but only in death,for it is what shall be carved on your gravestone, and your name will be all that you leave behind while your corpse lays cold in the earth.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2006

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