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Online: K.V.O.E & close friends :)
Anime Fan Since
Nine years old, and my first anime being Sailor Moon - 'Moon Prism Power!'
Favorite Anime
Vision of Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, Inuyasha, Zoids, Yami No Mitsuei, Trigun & Tenshi Muyo..
To get somewhere in life...
Shakespeare, poetry, singing & dancing & acting, cooking and listening to whatever soothes my ears
I'm double jointed, does that count? LOL!
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Relationship. Love? Lover? ...
 | After the convo with my friend tonight, made me wonder about few things in life.. When do people know that they are ready commit to someone? When they think, they have it all figured out in a relationship, and all of the sudden it goes wrong, who is to blame? My close friend, broke up with her bf few hours ago. I honestly would see as this none of my effin business, but really, throughout this whole relationship both of them have been seeking my guide, asking for tips about each other and whatnot. And everytime they would argue, they would come to me to patch it up. Recently, something provoking happened between the two, and things started to seek the surface.. issues that were so trivial, yet no resolved on the spot, were brought back into play. Things that they didn't even know that they held it against one another.. and all of it just turned into a massive ball of rage. I saw the whole thing. It's a shame I tell you. And she really did think, he was_THE_one for her. She even introduced him to her parents, and not many people do that after three months of dating. Even I was all excited, when they said they wanted to marry each other and whatnot.. I don't know all of this just makes me wonder, why the heck won't people be open to each other, disregarding the fact honesty does hurt? I got dragged into this and now, the guy is asking me to pay him back for the all the money he spent on me. We used to buy each other whatever as friends, if I missed out one day, I would make it up on another occasion, last thing I remember, he paid for my lunch and tickets for Haunted House along with his gf.. and now he wants everything returned. Whatever, it's not the money that irritates me but the fact that he had this 'black book' in his head all this time, that he was keeping an account for everything that he did for her and me.. and when tables got turned, he went sour. Life isn't about materialistic garbage, if he had spent some quality time rather than expressing his love with 'stuffed animals' or 'Italian lunches', may be it could have been better..
On the brighter side of life, I just came across my good old friends that I haven't spoken to in the last year and half or so.. :P Hopefully, we'll continue to stay in touch.. :D | © Mistee05
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