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myOtaku.com: Mistee05

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

   Extremely tired..
Life these days, seems far too stressful to cope with! Just added more Esca wallpapers, was looking through my old collection and was thinking, hey why not? Yeah, just modified them a bit and here it is.. I'm obessesed .. it's true! LOL! Have a really bad cold too, been sneezing all day and coughing.. may be it's the flu or something. Need to visit the weather forecaster aka my family physician. The fact that she says everything happens cause of the weather, heh kinda bothers me. The diagnosis session lasts for 1 min and 43 sec, yeah I timed her once and she would say 'Don't worry, your suffering from backpain due to the bad weather conditions we're having now.' Heh! Wonder how that works..

Thats about it ..
� Mistee05

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