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Online: K.V.O.E & close friends :)
Anime Fan Since
Nine years old, and my first anime being Sailor Moon - 'Moon Prism Power!'
Favorite Anime
Vision of Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, Inuyasha, Zoids, Yami No Mitsuei, Trigun & Tenshi Muyo..
To get somewhere in life...
Shakespeare, poetry, singing & dancing & acting, cooking and listening to whatever soothes my ears
I'm double jointed, does that count? LOL!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
$$$ Life's becoming too expensive these days..$$$
 | I did want to do another weekly update this Tuesday, just never got around to doing so. By the time, I got home I was exhausted and then had no energy to think straight and post something decent. Anyways, this past 1-2 weeks has word expensive. No really, I had to celebrate three birthdays in a row.
Mum's on 21st November, got her greetings and some spa kit, followed by a home-made dinner. Now heh, I'm not a pro cook, infact I'm an amateur cook who burns anything to everything. I'm not always welcome in the kitchen..
Another one on 24th November, we went out for movies. Casino Royale~ Has anyone seen it? Apparently there is a huge contraversy as to why many people can't see Daniel Craig as the next James Bond =( Shame. I thought it was pretty good, no really.
Yeah, this is the guy. He's not that bad at all. 3 hrs of action and drama.. =) and his blue eyes..heheh
On 25th November, it was my sis's birthday! Well the fact that I had already bought her a PS2 early this year, she still wanted something for her birthday. So I took her out to movies to watch Flushed Away. A rat being flushed down the toilet and then saving the world.. how nice..hehe. And she wouldn't watch a movie without her junk food .. err!
To top it off, another one is coming up this Saturday T_T I find this time of the season to be highly expensive, you know something I should just take a vacation every Christmas just to avoid gift shopping.
I got my flu shot =) It's a fact that if you do, you only 1/4 chance of actually catching the flu.. so it was said on T.V. Plus I'm not really scared of needles, so its all good. It's worth it =)
Yesterday, I was called out to volunteer at the Food Bank, not sure when I'll get a chance to go. We organize the donations and it's then sent out to the homeless =) Quite a satisfying job.
Finally, just a thought, should I change to a new layout for the season? Or keep it as it is? And how many of you guys have started on your Christmas shopping? Would you rather have gifts or cash?
That's all I guess..
Ciao~ till next week. | © Mistee05
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