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Online: K.V.O.E & close friends :)
Anime Fan Since
Nine years old, and my first anime being Sailor Moon - 'Moon Prism Power!'
Favorite Anime
Vision of Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, Inuyasha, Zoids, Yami No Mitsuei, Trigun & Tenshi Muyo..
To get somewhere in life...
Shakespeare, poetry, singing & dancing & acting, cooking and listening to whatever soothes my ears
I'm double jointed, does that count? LOL!
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Recipies anyone?
 | +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~
Time: 12:30 am
Mood: Deep and sleepy. Not sure if they go
hand in hand.. LOL~!
Listening to: Unfaithful - Rihanna
Working on: Finishing up final notes, and blogging
I had an off today, so got few things done, chores mostly and paperwork. Temperature seems to be falling by hour (-12 C), I'm not sure if I'm all that ready for this winter season. Not that, I don't have the right winter wear, it's just the chilly winds from time to time, kinda freeze your jaws and fingers. And the fact that I have to travel almost 2 hours everyday, bus and train kinda makes me hate this weather even more. But not to worry, only a week and half left, and I'm done first semester =) Part II starts in January, we'll see how that goes.
Does any of you guys like cooking? Passionate about it, to be exact. I am not that great of a cook, well I can't make that judgement yet but I seem to lack a great deal of interest in it. I can't get myself to roast, bake, broil, fry or anything. One, my mum seems to be paranoid about me in the kitchen, err yet she complains. Second, I tend to burn my fingers and food, overcook or my ingredients measurement is way off.. again err. Well, you see there is a problem. No one is around to cook for me everyday, so I have to do it myself, but I'm on a restricted diet due to medical reasons. So now, I'm wondering if you guys know any good and quick recepies that doesn't require spices, alcohol and acidic items. If it's simple, I wanna give it a try.. =) I'm kinda sick and tired of eating boiled broccoli everyday T_T.
There are few commissioned base jobs out there, the only problem is most of them are like telemarketing. Honest to god, those who work at McD and as a telemarketer, I have loads of respect for them. No seriously, there is no other job where you have to put up with garbage as you do in these two positions. And the pay isn't even enough. So yeah, I would have to work certain amount of shift hours but I will only get paid according to how many sales I make per day. Seems like a complete rip off job.. especially if your not a good salesperson. I'm having second thoughts about applying..
On that note, I got myself a Nivea Body Lotion today. No really, this is gold I tell you~! LOL! It moisturizes, softens and protects your flaky dry skin XD! So it says, but the scent is quite irresistable =) Plus, it's obviously the best brand out there. Not that I'm a brand name only person, I just happen to put more faith in this company.
Well, I guess that's about it for tonight. I'm going to bed.
Thanks a heaps for the responses guys. Appreciate it big time.
Have great day/night. Take care
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