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| Mistress Wolf
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Souta's Adventure Ch. 3: Pet Talks
Kagome heard a knock on her bedroom door. She ignored it at first, but the knock came again. With a sigh, she stood up and unlocked her door. Then she walked back to her bed and collapsed onto it.
Souta opened the door and peered inside. "Uh...Kagome?"
"Hmm?" Kagome asked, the pillow her face was buried in muffling the sound.
"Um," Souta began, walking inside and shutting the door behind him. "Kagome, why...why did you come home crying, last night?"
Kagome rolled over and looked at Souta in mild surprise. She had been sure that everyone was asleep last night, when she had come home. She sighed and rolled onto her back, trying to think up a decent lie. None came to mind.
"Did you and Inuyasha have another fight?" Souta asked. Kagome nodded, feeling an annoying itch behind her eyes. Not an unfamiliar feeling, unfortunately. "Then why do you seem so worried?" asked Souta. "You and Inuyasha have fights all the time, but you always get back together."
"It's not that simple, Souta," said Kagome. "I gave my Shikon shards to Inuyasha. I can't go back and he won't come for me. He has chosen Kikyou."
Souta frowned. Kagome had previously informed Souta of her. He didn't like her from the start. "But Kagome," said Souta, his voice dropping to a whisper. "She's dead. Inuyasha can't possibly love her more than you."
"He does, Souta," said Kagome. "He does."
Miroku stopped beneath the tree and looked up. "Inuyasha," he said. "Can we talk?"
"Go away, Miroku!" growled Inuyasha.
"But Inuyasha, I..."
"Go away!" Inuyasha yelled, dropping to the ground before the monk. "I'm in no mood to hear one of your lectures about how pathetic I am when it comes to relationships!" Miroku opened his mouth to say something, but Inuyasha wasn't done. "There is nothing emotional going on between me and Kikyou! She died for me and I simply plan on paying back that debt. I don't want to hear a speech about how I should go and apologize to Kagome, because I can't! You didn't hear what was said! I have nothing to apologize for! I didn't take the shards from Kagome! I didn't kick her out of this era! She left because she wanted to! So I don't want to hear it! She left because...because..." Inuyasha collapsed to the ground in sorrow, his anger spent. "She left because of me," he whimpered, his ears wilting. "She left because of me and I...I want her to come back!" And then, for the first time since he was a child, Inuyasha cried.
Miroku sat down next to Inuyasha and put his hand on the half-demon's shoulder. "If it means anything, Inuyasha," said Miroku. "I didn't come to give you a lecture. I figured out, with Kaede's help, a bit of what had happened. I know you didn't drive Kagome away."
Inuyasha shook his head. "I could never do that, Miroku. I love her."
Miroku nodded. "I know."
Inuyasha sobbed. "What am i going to do, Miroku? I can't go after her, she'll never understand."
Miroku sighed. "Inuyasha, I think part of Kagome's problem is that you protect Kikyou even after all the things she has done."
"Miroku, Kikyou died because of me."
"That may be so, but kikyou has tried more than once to kill Kagome. Still, you don't have the heart to kill Kikyou, even though she killed you."
"She was tricked by naraku."
"You were also tricked by Naraku. but rather than jump in and try to kill Kikyou, you steal the Shikon no Tama. Not the best choice, but Kikyou didn't even try to understand before she shot you. Still, you hold nothing against her."
"I used to, but I realized the truth."
"Maybe you need to open your eyes further, Inuyasha," said Miroku, standing up. "The Kikyou you once loved is dead, and has been dead since. The Kikyou you now protect is mud and clay."
"Her spirit is still the same," said Inuyasha.
Miroku shook his head and stared up. "The spirit within her body is not Kikyou's - it's Kagome's." Then, without another word, he walked away.
Inuyasha sat on the ground, thinking of what Miroku had said. "Kagome..."
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Friday, March 12, 2004
Hmm...who is your least favotire character from Inuyasha? Personally, I hate Kouga, and I don't hate anybody. So I really really really really really really really don't like him. Yeah...I don't...honest...
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Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
All right, that is just not fair! I go through school everyday and have my friends laugh because they say my laugh sounds like a hyena (and it does, but I'll never admit it to them) and they continue to call me a therapist. Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Oh well...guess I am kinda silly. But don't tell them I said that! ;-)
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Awesome...but so weird...
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Sit Boy!
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 Take the What Will Your Result To This Quiz Be? Quiz by napoleonherself, if you are so inclined.
That was the dumbest quiz I have ever taken. Haha! I love it!
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Monday, March 8, 2004

Um...Wow...? That really doesn't sound like me, and it certainly doesn't look like me. Um...heh heh...okay...
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Souta's Adventure chapter 2: memories and pain
Mistress Wolf: I really want people to read my fic! *done in sing-song voice*
Inuyasha: They're not gonna, 'cause it sucks.
Mistress Wolf: *glares* You're just mad 'cause Kagome left you.
Inuyasha: *growls* Why you...
Kouga: Kagome left you, Dog-Boy? Finally. *rubs hands together* Time to go fetch my woman.
Inuyasha: *screams and attacks Kouga* You stupid wolf! How dare you! I'm gonna kill you!
Mistress Wolf: *watches the two fight* I'm voting for Inuyasha. *nods* I hope he finally gets rid of that annoying guy who dares call himself a wolf-demon.
Sesshoumaru: Hmm...I hope they kill each other.
Mistress Wolf: *shrugs* Yeah, that'd work too.
Chapter Two: Memories and Pain
Kagome sat on the end of her bed, staring sadly at the floor. 'I've tried before a thousand time to forget him, but I can't.' She looked up at the ceiling and tears rolled back her face. 'And what about the others? Sango.' She thought of te female demon-exterminator who she had grown so close to that they were almost sisters.
'Miroku.' The monk with the curse of the Air Rip in his hand. She remembered how he had first asked her that infamous question. They had become close friends, nothing more than that. He had always been there when she needed help, willing to do anything for her, like he would do anything for any one of them.
'Shippou.' The little fox-demon, orphaned and so young, but willing to help wherever he could. She remembered when he had clung to Kouga's tail when the wolf-demon had kidnapped her, leaving behind a trail of mushrooms. He was so small and young, and fear was always present in his eyes, but there were many times when he had ignored it. He was alot like a younger brother to Kagome, tagging along behind, trying to be brave.
"Inuyasha," Kagome whispered. The name rang out in the silence of her room. Kagome remembered when they had first met. The only thing on his mind had been to get the Shikon no Tama and become a full demon. But as they had worked together to find the shards of the Shikon Jewel, it seemed that they had unknowingly grown closer.
Kagome fell back onto her bed, tears rolling down her cheeks. Memories flashed through her mind of when she and Inuyasha had worked together. She remembered their fight against Yura of the Hair, when they were still wary of each other. Inuyasha had protected her countless times, many times risking himself. She remembered when Kouga had kidnapped her. Inuyasha had come after Kouga, doing everything in his power to get Kagome back. "But still, he's in love with Kikyou," she muttered. "Inuyasha."
Kaede looked up when she heard the flapping of cloth as miroku, Sango, and Shippou walked into the hut. She looked back down at her soup ingredients as she spoke. "Have any of ye seen Inuyasha lately?"
"Not since this morning, Kaede," said Miroku. "Why?"
"Not long before now I heard a sound that could stop ye hearts cold. 'Twas a howl of pure sorrow."
"So," said Shippou, jumping forward. "What's bad about that?"
"The sound, I believe, came from the mouth of Inuyasha. Never before have I heard such a sound come from his throat."
"Do you think something might have happened to Kagome?" Shippou asked worriedly.
"Most likely, she and Inuyasha had another fight and Kagome went home," said Miroku. "She should be back in a day or two."
Kaede looked at Miroku with such intensity that he felt fear creep up his spine. Shippou saw the look that Kaede had in her eyes and a fear entered his. "Kagome!" he yelled, turning and running outside, heading to the well.
Miroku and Sango left, following.
Inuyasha's ears were wilted and his eyes downcast as he sat before the well. He did not move when he heard Shippou calling Kagome's name, and when he heard Miroku and Sango running after Shippou. He simply stared at the well in sorrow.
"Inuyasha!" Shippou yelled, jumping onto the edge of the well before Inuyasha's face. "Inuyasha, where's Kagome?" Inuyasha stared at the well for a moment, and then his head lowered, his eyes hidden behind long white bangs. "Inuyasha!" Shippou yelled.
Miroku and Sango stopped beside Shippou. "Inuyasha," said Miroku. "Where's..."
"Home," muttered Inuyasha.
"What" asked Miroku, stepped back as Inuyasha stood up, hiding his eyes beneath his bangs.
"Kagome went home," he said. "And she's not coming back." The jar of Shikon Jewels fell from his fingers as he turned and walked away. He did not stop to pick them up or even acknowledge them. He cimply walked on, a depressed air suffocating everything around him.
Mistress Wolf: *watches Inuyasha and Kouga go at it* Wow, they're pretty evenly matched.
Sesshoumaru: *nods* Even with the Shikon Jewels in Kouga's legs, Inuyasha manages to match his every move.
Mistress Wolf: Hmm...*picks up a pencil that glitters with power* I love being the writer. *proceeds to pick up a piece of paper with Kouga's name on top and erase a few things*
Kouga: *suddenly slows down* What the...
Mistress Wolf: *smiles and holds up two Shikon shards* Let's see how well you do against Inuyasha without your little cheating tools, Kouga.
Kouga: *growls*
Inuyasha: *smiles* Yeah Kouga, let's see.
~ Mistress Wolf ~
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I wanna go back!!!!
I went to Delaware over the weekend and (I live in Pennsylvania) it is 30 degrees warmer over there. Here, it's 40 degrees. There, it's 70!!! I wanna go back! It's so wonderful there!
It's too cold here, and our furnace broke, so we had to triple up on blankets last night, but it was okay, I just don't like it here - too noisy, too much snow, no beaches.
Rehoboth Beach is the greatest! I got an awesome sweatshirt with a wave of dolphins! I almost bought this shirt that said: I don't know what it is that makes you so stupid, but it's working. lol It was so funny.
There was a pretty golden retriever down there. me and my brother played fetch with her, but I forget her name.
Rehoboth Beach french fries are the greatest! Unless they don't have enough salt on them, and then my brother marinates them in vinegar. Ugh...
It was the greatest, and we go to see Hildago! I could have cried when it was over. I thought the ending was really cliche, but I'm not giving it away.
Now all I have to see is Passion of the Christ and I'll be happy. Did you know they're coming out with a Shrek 2? It'll be funny.
Let's see...anything else? Nope, I don't think so. Well, it was fun and when I get a car and my liscence in April (I'm gonna be 16 soon!) I'm gonna drive down there with my best friend for a freakin' week! I have to get one of those shirts.
lol Hope everybody had a great weekend. Talk to you later!
~ Wolf
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Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Looking for people...
Does anyone like my fanfiction chapter? No one's commented on it.
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