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| Mistress Wolf
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Monday, March 1, 2004
Yu Yu Hakusho Site
Yu Yu Hakusho rules, and I have a group for it if anyone wants to join. Here's a link:
Considering that I just started it, I think it's doing pretty good. Kurama's my favorite character, as you'll soon see if you join. Hope you will.
~ Mistress Wolf ^. .^
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Reposting: Souta's Adventure ch. 1
"I am prepared to leap into Hell with Kikyou, if that is her wish." ~ Inuyasha
Chapter One
"Shut up, Inuyasha! I can't believe you! You just can't forget Kikyou, can you?"
"Kagome, she died because of me..."
"Naraku! She died because of Naraku, Inuyasha! She died because Onigumo loved her and hated you, and those feelings were passed to Naraku! But you can't see that, can you?"
"Naraku was jealous of me, Kagome," said Inuyasha, his eyes begging her to understand. "In the end it's my fault Kikyou..."
"Kikyou wants you to die, Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled. "She hates you because she was created with hate! She does not want you to live Inuyasha. I...I want you to live, Inuyasha - live and be happy."
"I can never live as long as my death is what Kikyou wants..."
"What about you, Inuyasha? What about what you want...what I want..."
"Kagome, you don't understand..."
"I under stand, Inuyasha! I understand that you love Kikyou! At first I was okay with it, because Kikyou and I were similar in our desire to be with you. I told myself that I would wait - that I would always be by your side - as long as you needed me and wanted me to stay. But I can't help you anymore, Inuyasha, and you don't want me anymore. You have Kikyou. don't need me."
"But I want you to stay, Kagome!"
Kagome looked at him and Inuyasha saw tears in her eyes. He had thought she was just angry, but... "Inuyasha, I'm going home," said Kagome, standing up.
"No, Kagome, don't go!" Inuyasha cried.
"You don't need me anymore, Inuyasha. I know that, in your heart, you don't want me here anymore. I get in between you and Kikyou." She climbed onto the edge of the well.
"No, Kagome..."
Kagome pulled the jar of Shikon Jewels out of her pocket and stared at it. "I hope you can come to realize this, Inuyasha," she said, and looked up, meeting his gaze. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Kikyou wants you to die, Inuyasha - she hates you. I want you to live, Inuyasha, because I love you."She dropped the jar to the ground before him. Her eyes were locked onto his as she took a step back and fell into the well, leaving Inuyasha behind.
Inuyasha collapsed at the edge of the well and stared down into the darkness. "Kagome," he whimpered. "Come back." Inuyasha threw his head back and let loose a howl of sorrow. "KAGOME!"
Mistress: What did you think? Good? Bad? Ugly? lol I hope you liked it. Wondering why it's called Souta's Adventure? You'll find out soon enough. Please tell me what you think soon! Later!
~ Mistress Wolf ^. .^
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Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Man, am I ugly...
Last one for today, I promise.
 From the "Soul Reaver" Series What Video Game Villain Are You?
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Sword's rule
 Ginormous What's Your Anime Weapon?
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Well, it's a cousin of the wolf...

What fuzzy creature are you?
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Look at where I belong...

Find out what anime series you belong in.
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Look how shiny it is!!!

Ooooo Shiney!
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?
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I am so very tired of school. I'm sick of how parents take so much into account when you bring a bad report card home, and I hate how teachers think you should know everything. I mean, geez, we're supposed to memorize everything they tell us for a test, and yet they can't corect the tess from memories. They constantly need an answer book. What's up with that?
Why am I saying all this? I got a progress report in my spanish class. Can't find my notebook, so I'm not doing so good.
Okay, so I'm doing really bad. I'm failing with, like, a 47 or something. It's just...I can't find my notebook, so I don't do my work because I'd have to copy it into my notebook and I lose the papers anyway. Oh...I hate school, I'm so tired of my's pathetic. I want to go home....
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Monday, February 23, 2004
Why will my huge fanfic not show on here? AHHHHHHHHHH! At least I can't see it. Is it on, anybody know?
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Sunday, February 22, 2004 What Inuyasha Villain Are You?
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