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Member Since
state alchemist, and manga artist
Real Name
Chaya --or is it!....
um...what have i achieved? uh....nothing. Oh i achieved how to walk, talk, use the bathroom, oh and what i am the proudest of is that i learned how to pick up and use a pencil. yes and i am also proud that i am a smart me!
Anime Fan Since
uh i think since i was 10. db, dbz and salier(sp) moon got me into it.
Favorite Anime
naruto! its a kick ass show! and fma cause i love edward--i love you vic m.!
become the greatest theotaku artist
drawing, and coloring and being an otaku. i also like wearing my naruto leaf headband around my neck and wearing my soulreapers outfit. can you believe the nerve of some people! coming up to me saying i'm some karate kid!
drawing and being an idiot yay talent!
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
hey guys guess what i was for the 31ST! i was a soul reaper! woot! if i can find my camera i'll post some cosplay! my mom made the oufit based off the outfit my friend bought from cosplay magic. i saved $90 having my mom make it! the only difference between the two is that my pants aren't pleaded. i'm too tall>_< but the good news is that i am quarter japaneses so i looked japanese enough for it. my sister said i looked like master roshi from dragan ball z. lol
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i have my only if i could understand the manual....i hate tecnology....and big words. there needs to be more pictures.
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Monday, October 29, 2007
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT i got my scanner, i got my scanner, i got my scanner and i didn't have to pay for it:3 i'm so happy! now my art will be posted more often yay!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
hey guys some of my art is going to be up soon so go check it out if its not up yet. also request are closed but art trade is open. also the only request that i'll take right now are bust pics. so if you want me to draw your oc let me know and i'll draw a bust for you. and let me know what you think of adell. she is my newest oc and so far i love her but i want to know what you thinks so let me know. i'll take flames but i don't really know why you would flame me. oh and do you think i've improved? i hope i did...anyway post a comment if you actually read this.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
hi guys. well my high school starts tomorrow on the 10th(damn it!)but some good news is that my old house is going on the market soon so when it is sold i get my scanner! well anyway art might be posted on the 18th or so but if not then, then the last weekend of august or so. remember my friend does all the posting for me and i love her to death cause i have 43 pics to post as of now. and only 6 are colored and only 6 are not being colored so 31 pics still need to be colored(damn it!) but not even half of those will probably get colored....i'm so dame lazy. i'm like this 
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
when i post again...
ok people i will be posting more art the last weekend of august.(hopefully) the comic isn't going anywere so ya probably wont see it. sorry. but i have a new oc! her name is adell and i like her more then misty! yes i know shocking really. she is xed sasuke....yes i know you are probably thinking "gawd another one!" but i don't give a damn! she is simple but pretty and i'm proud! misty and the rest of the crew is sorta getting old so they are going on a little trip to no draw for now lane. its a peaceful place... oh and sorry if i don't get your request done. i think there is two that i deleted the message of.....opps.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
haru and leo
geez what is with you people?! you all think haru is a chick/sakura/or gay. and you all like leo's head band over his eyes...why?
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art trade (open)
request (open)
*warning: my not be posted for a while so please be patient with me.
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Monday, June 11, 2007
hey everybody i have put my fanfic up on so go check it out at
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
hey is it just me or does it seem that eveyone on theotaku is a girl! i mean its not like i am complaining cause i'm a girl too but i havn't meet a guy yet!
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