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• illusion_kezia
• 1990-09-07
• Singapore [But born in Indonesia]
Member Since
• 2004-12-31
• Student, Official Manga Reader
Real Name
• Kezia
• Distinction in Science New South Wales Competition in year 2002
Anime Fan Since
• Forever!!! [Watched Doraemon since I was still a baby... LOL!! Just that I didn't know the difference between anime and cartoons then ^_~]
Favorite Anime
• Bleach, Weiss Kreuz, Inuyasha, Ultra Maniac, Fruits Basket, Get Backers, Rurouni Kenshin and lots more!!
• To recognize my real talent
• Watching anime, reading manga, fanfictions, playing basketball, surfing the net, chatting
• Spotting out grammar and spelling mistakes. Haha! >_<"
Thursday, March 10, 2005
New Theme!
Mood: Happy
Time: 1630 hours, GMT+8
Date: March 10, 2005
Song: Owarinai Yume - Nanase Aikawa
At last I changed the theme! I follow the [very few] number of votes. >_< Only 2! But both of you want Final Fantasy, so I changed the Fruits Basket theme to this. =D
Let's see... I think this theme is more likely to be Final Fantasy VIII than Final Fantasy [all series]. >_< I found that I have only FFVIII pics! Most of them, at least... ~_~ Since I'm lousy at HTMLs, I used the easy way to change the colours. Somehow I find it hard to match the colours together. >_< Cause using that easy method can't change the settings to transparent, right? T_T?
Now, what's missing is the song. I still have not changed the midi from Chiisana Inori to an FF song. Can anyone tell me where I can get them? *puppy eyes* Hehe. Thanks!
Nothing interesting happened in school today.
Anyways, Steffi, Fu Ping, Shenghui and I set our minds on making a "Lighting System for Long Corridors and Staircases" for our project.
During Project Work, finally Fu Ping and Shenghui asked the seniors cause Mr Lee brought them there. ~_~ We've decided to let them be in charge of the wiring network for the 2 or 3-way switch, while Steffi and I will be doing the 3D model. Everybody will be doing the powerpoint presentation.
We'll have to get the materials ready by next week and start bucking up cause I think we're behind time a LOT. Why? Cause the leader got detention on the day we were supposed to get the seniors to help us two days ago.
By the end of March holidays, we'll have to finish the heading for our project in the powerpoint. It's difficult to plan them cause we have a time limit: 15-minutes presentation. So we can't have so many slides cause we'll still have to show the judges the posters we're going to make, and the 3D model. >_<
No homework today... I hope. Sigh. I'm tired.
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