Monday, June 21, 2004
Time Is Running Out
 I have another part of my trip post done (it's about 4,000 words long) but I'm going to hold down on it.
No one responded to the post below. I'm going to take this by the horns and say that you guys are just too damn lazy to read that. Either that or what you read was so damn amazing and entertaining that you couldn't even utter or articulate a resposne.
Whatever the case, all I want to say is that I walked for three hours yesterday. That felt particularily good, since I had been cooped up in that cabin for so long (I could walk there, although it was rather limited).
The thing is, my feet have some blisters/ wounds on them now, but it's nothing I can't handle. Damn shoes anyway.
Also, I should be looking for a job today, but I'm not, being the lazy asshole I am.
Otherwise, I point you to the post below. Give me some response, even if you just skim through it. I thought that post was really fun to write, and I'd like to hear some kind of response, being the egotistical man I am (ahem). Anyway, I'm off to Ryan's now. . .
EDIT: Well, my dad's forcing me to give him the key I procured which allowed me to gain admittance into here, and post what I could when I could. I'll post the next parts of the trip when I get the chance--but I don't know if I'll be able to.
Also, thanks for the comments Mimmi, you're so lovely. Well, off I go.
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