Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Little Time
 There's many things I could say, but there isn't time.
I've been keeping up with my jogging each day, and yesterday, last night, it was amazing. I wasn't just jogging, I was running, and it felt good. But today, it felt perfunctory. But I'm just glad to be changing myself; making myself better. It feels good.
I felt sort of depressed earlier, and now it's receded to the point where I just don't feel anything.
I think the main reason I'm depressed is because I was trying to get myself to write late last night, and nothing would come. You see, I'm trying to get myself into this routine to write something every night between so and so hours. Yesterday had been the beginning of that. And I couldn't write anything. I did write something, but that something was shit.
I'm thinking of starting to write more of my completely dialogue-driven story, "Wilt," because I know what I want to do with it, and I think the idea strikes me as very powerful, once it becomes more of what it wants.
I also want to write more of that story that's the last post before this one.
I also have another story idea, and I've had it for a while: it'll be about an angel, up in heaven, and how he goes down with other angels and these angels get their wings clipped, and become eventually what is man. They would leave heaven because they are sick of it. I think it's genius. It could be the next Bible.
Thing is, I need to read the Bible so I can implement some things from it in there, and better make reference to it throughout the entire story. And that'll take too damn long.
There's other ideas, but they're lesser.
One of the main one is, say we have a Jesus that comes during this age, and say he's put on trial or something. The main image I get is of Jesus, with his thorn crown on, in an electric chair. It's a very striking image to me, and would be an interesting story, quite interesting.
Another: a society where white people are slaves to black people.
Hm. What else, what else. I think that's about all I can think of.
My mind's working too damn fast right now.
Other than that, not much going on. My dad's parents came up here from Colorado, I haven't seen them for two years. They're too orthodox of people for me, but it's nice to see them again, even if it's hard to say much to them.
Well, take care, all. I miss you people.
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