Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Last Call for Tylenol put your pain inside your head/ Wash it away with sleep/ Get in your bed/ Because these pills are pillows to rest your head
 So, I've snuck in here again. Whoopee.
While there's many things I could say, yet again, there's not time. My parents are out with my grandma and grandpa from Colorado, and they'll be back soon.
I'm feeling pretty damn good right now, because I had some caffeine; it always makes me feel better. But, these last few days, I've been pretty damn out of it, and not feeling well.
Example: I went to Dan's Supermarket to pick up some salad, and I go on in, get what I need, checkout, and I come out, and my car door's open. What the hell? All I said to myself is I was damn out of it. I mean, really, I felt like an idiot going back and shutting my door, as if everyone within the vicinity was staring at me. I think I'm just paranoid, is all; but still, I felt pretty damn stupid.
I was going to post more of my story about that guy that's got that job at the grill place--I wrote another entire chapter of it, and plan to do another tonight--but my mom's computer's really fucked up, and Microsoft Word's not on here, since she had to restore to some point when it wasn't on the computer. So here I was, coming on here earlier, trying to get my story on up, but of course it didn't work; and there was nothing else to read it with. So I was out of luck there. And I was excited to post it, too. I thought it was damn hilarious when I was writing it, I was laughing a bit as I wrote it. Ah well, so much for that; I'll have to get it on here at a different time.
Well, I think that's about all the time there is to say anything. I need to get a goddamned job, so I can talk to some of you people. I think I'm going to go up to McDonald's soon enough, and bitch at them.
Off I go to watch Butterfly Effect, which I've wanted to see for a while. . .
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