Thursday, July 8, 2004
The End of the World
 Today my grandparents kindly allowed me to buy The Cure's The Cure and Modest Mouse's Good News for People Who Like Bad News. Also, earlier this week, I bought Wilco's A Ghost Is Born.
I still haven't had too much of a chance to listen to any of these albums, but I've listened to all of them all the way through, except for the Modest Mouse album.
I'm really mixed on the Wilco album--need to listen to it more; I'm also really mixed on the The Cure album--need to listen to that more.
Otherwise, I saw Spider-man 2 today, for the second time. It was okay. I only liked it for that hospital scene, really; and the action parts. I could do without the insipid love story, and the insipid moments in the movie. I mean, I found myself thinking, as Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) gave her little "Hero" speech, that I could care less for a hero. Which is good for me.
The first time this movie was spectacular, and I guess the second time I just knew what to expect, and it wasn't as fun. Which is fine. I still think it's the best superhero movie I've ever seen, and that it blew me away the first time. There's still better movies out there, though.
Right now, to be honest, I feel like crap. I haven't done jack in looking for a job, and I don't plan to anytime this week. My excuse is that my grandparents are here from Colorado.
I'm guessing I'll still procrastinate even after this week. I'll probably be doing the same thing next week as I did this week. Again, to be honest, I could really care less about getting a job. I don't want one. I don't need one at this point. I don't want any money. I don't want to buy things that I don't even need.
I still try to keep positive about things, though. It's the best I can do. But at the core, it doesn't matter. I'd rather not do anything.
But that is not how things work. To get where I want to get, I must work hard.
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