Wednesday, July 28, 2004
I'm on a roll/ I'm on a roll/ This time I feel my luck could change/ Kill me Sarah/ Kill me again with love/ It's gonna be a glorious day
 They stared up at me, from the garbage, the stickers. They wanted me to find them, I've come to believe. I was meant to find them.
They were in there, the first thing I saw. A sheet of stickers--six blue circles in two rows. I took them out of the garbage.
On each sticker it said the same thing. In white letters on the blue circles it said, "I am an uber-genius," then below that, on the bottom of the circle, it said, "Ask me why."
When I had found these stickers, I laughed, in hysteria. This was truly something which makes one's day.
This showed me I was a genius.
On the top portion of the sheet of stickers, small letters, it said, "Use these stickers every time you save 10% with Dell (tm) and the American Express (r) Corporate Card." I laughed again in hysterics.
I decided I'd never do such a thing, and say the reason why I was a genius was because I'm a great American Poet like Jim Morrison, and great writer like William Faulkner.
I took these stickers. I put one on my computer, so I can realize I'm a genius each day. I took another and put it in my car, so when I'm driving I can be distracted and rear-end other cars and slaughter other pedestrians because of my eyes not looking at the road but looking at the sticker there. I took another and put it in this Donnie Darko notebook I bought today, so whenever I'm writing I can realize I'm a genius.
And that's the end of this story.
The end/ Beautiful friend/ The end.
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