Thursday, July 29, 2004
This is the end/ Beautiful friend/ This is the end/ My only friend/ The end
 My parents are gone. Gone until Monday. I am home alone until then. It's yet to be seen if it's a heaven or a hell.
But then again, I don't believe in the concepts of heaven and hell anyway.
Anyway. They're gone.
Yesterday wasn't too bad. Not as bad as I thought it was.
I went up to The Steak Buffet, they gave me my shirt, cap, name tag, and I found out all they wanted to do was train me how to bus tables. It took thirty minutes.
Busing tables is very easy, I shouldn't find a problem with it.
I don't work until Saturday and Sunday, 5-10 each day. I'm a little nervous about it, but it shouldn't be bad.
Yesterday, I also went to Kirkwood Mall. I had to get some tan khakis for my job. I also got some new shorts, and I made my mom take me to Hot Topic.
At Hot Topic I got a Tool shirt, which is what I'm wearing right now. I've wanted a Tool shirt for a while, so I'm glad to get it. I also got a Doors shirt, with Jim Morrison on the front, and "An American Poet" on it.
Then there was this Donnie Darko notebook I found there. I thought it was awesome so I got that, too. Then I got some decals--a Tool one, and one that says "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." They're both on my car.
Lately, my mom's gotten me some other band shirts off of E-bay. I now have a substantial amount.
I have about five Pink Floyd T-shirts, an old Aerosmith T-shirt (which I'll probably never wear--I don't like Aerosmith that much), a Coldplay A Rush of Blood to the Head shirt, the Tool shirt I got, the Doors shirt I got, an old Incubus shirt (which I'll also never wear--never liked them too much, my mom just bought it for me), a System of a Down shirt, about three Led Zeppelin shirts, and finally, and most happily, a Radiohead T-shirt.
I love Radiohead. That Radiohead T-shirt is now my favorite shirt. It came all the way from Britain. It's a large-sized one, and it fits like a small shirt. I told my mom the reason why it was large and so small was because those British aren't like us American slobs. They aren't morbidly obese fast food-eating calorie-intaking fat-eating carb-consuming Americans. No, they're slim mean lanky burly muscular well-formed Britains.
Makes sense to me.
When I went for my jog yesterday, I didn't know what I wanted to listen to on my CD player as I jogged. I ended up choosing Coldplay's A Rush of Blood to the Head. I hadn't listened to this album for about three months, and when I started listening to it, and jogged, I was shown again what a great album it is. Now I want to rip it onto my computer, since I don't have it ripped yet.
If you haven't gotten Coldplay's A Rush of Blood to the Head, get it. Coldplay is another band that's been compared to Radiohead, and that are from Britian, but I don't think they sound much like Radiohead. Anyway, I recommend A Rush of Blood to the Head. It's a very, very good album.
I also have Coldplay's first album, Parachutes (A Rush of Blood to the Head is the second), and that's good, as well. I know that songs like "Trouble" and "Yellow" got radio play from that album. So maybe you're familiar with it. Whatever the case, Parachutes isn't as good as A Rush of Blood to the Head, but it's also worth getting.
I've seen both albums at Target for $10 apiece. That's a steal, and if I didn't have those albums already, I'd get my ass out there and get them if I were you.
Trust me, I know good music. Or so I claim to. There are people out there who have a much wider scope on music than me, but I think I have great taste in music, and I listen to a nice variety.
I was forced today to go up to the bank and get a new PIN number for my Debit Card, since I forgot and lost it.
While I was there, I asked the lady there to tell me how much I had in my checkings account.
She read off two thousand-and-something-dollars. I said thanks and left.
My dad and I called back, got the exact number. I have $2,564.29 in there.
Where did I get it? It's from my dad's child support he owes me--they took it from his taxes, and my mom recently deposited it in my account.
I should get it in a savings account, so it'll grow on interest.
That money's going to be used for college.
I don't know what I'll be doing the rest of the day. I'm thinking about maybe going out for dinner later, since my parents gave me $40 to do with whatever while they're gone. But then again, maybe I'd like to save my money, and buy some more music (and I think that's what I'll do).
Maybe I'll go to the used bookstore here--I've been wanting to do that for a while. Maybe I'll go to Ryan's. Who knows.
All I know is, I have three days to waste away.
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