Friday, July 30, 2004
Oh what should I do just a little baby/ What if the lights go out and maybe then the wind just starts to moan
 BOLD the truth.
ITALICIZE the half truth.
Add 5 of your own at the end.
01. I have a cell phone.
02. I'm obsessed with cars.
03. I'm the youngest child.
04. I am a shopoholic.
05. I drive a truck.
06. I am a libra.
07. I like vodka. as much as I hate alcohol, vodka really gets me... had my first 'sip' of it when i was 14 and loved it. O.o
08. I love Degrassi.
09. I can't live without hygenic products.!!!
10. I can't live without music. No, I sure can't.
11. I lived in Purgatory for 3 months.
12. I spend money I don't have.
13. I'll be in college forever. I think I will, once I get there.
14. I've seen Jason Mraz
15. I get annoyed easily.
16. I eventually want kids.
18. I have more then a couple of horrible memories. Sort of.
19. I am addicted to Lizzie McGuire.
20. I am a person. Only half true, because the other half of me is a monster.
21. My first kiss was when I was 18. I've never been kissed.
22. I start film school in February.
23. I love taking pictures.
24. I hate girls who are fake. Depends. What do you mean by fake? Do you mean a fake body, or a fake personality, or both. . .?
25. I can be mean when I want to. Indeed.
26. My dreams are bizarre.
27. I have way too many bikini underwear.
28. I've seen "Gone with the Wind" at least 20 times
29. I usually dress how I feel that day.
30. I love 'Sex and the City'!
31. Sometimes I cry for almost no reason.
32. I hate when people are late.
33. I procrastinate. That's me.
34. I love winter.
35. I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
36. I love to sleep. It's one of the best things in this world.
37. I wish I were smarter.
38. I'm afraid of flying.
39. I hate drama between friends.
40. I am addicted to 'The O.C.'
41. I love my hair.
42. I never fight with my parents. i avoid confrontation.
43. I love the beach.
44. I have never had the chicken pox.
45. I'm excited for the future.
46. I can't control my emotions.
47. I can't wait till New Year's.
48. I love the show 'Rich Girls'.
49. I love my friends.
50. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
51. I can be very insecure sometimes.
52. I have never broken a bone.
53. I hate my computer.
54. I love guys that play the guitar.
55. I state the obvious.
56. I'm a happy person.
57. I love to dance.
58. I enjoy cleaning my room.
59. I tend to get jealous very easily.
60. I love black underwear.
61. I like John Mayer.
62. I cry when I see animals/people getting hurt/abused.
63. I want to go to Greece.
64. I don't like to study for tests.
65. I believe in God.
66. I am too forgiving.
67. I have a horrible sense of direction.
68. I love hate high school.
69. I have a talent of sweet-talking my way out of things.
70. I'm a momma's boy.
71. I love kisses on the forehead.
72. I love the color pink.
73. I love to sew.
74. I have green(ish) eyes.
75. I think the Olsen Twins are hot.
76. I played soccer for 14 years.
77. I become stressed easily.
78. I hate liars.
79. I like comfy sweatpants.
80. Anna Kournikove is my dream girl.
81. I love the smell of asphalt after it's rained
82. I love my family.
83. I hate needles.
84. I am a perfectionist.
85. I always wanted to learn to play the drums.
86. I would love to have my own fashion line.
87. I can be quite selfish.
88. I still act like a little kid.
89. Above all, I despise dishonesty.
90. I love pictures.
91. I love music.
92. I wish I were more motivated when it comes to school.
93. I love getting stuff in the mail.
94. I have problems letting go of people.
95. I hate the feeling of being alone.
96. I fear rejection.
97. I'm addicted to starbucks.
98. I spin in my computer chair.
99. I'm afraid of commitment.
100. I have a big forehead.
101. I love writing letters.
102. I have a sibling.
103. I plan on marrying rich.
104. I am secretly an FBI secret agent.
105. I like Abercrombie & Fitch.
106. My favorite color combination is pink & green.
107. My greatest and worst attribute is my brutal honesty.
108. I can totally compare my life with that of Holden Caufeild. (You spelled his last name wrong, by the way)
109. I tell things like they are; no sugar coating.
110. I'm completely obsessed with Lord of the Rings.
111. My favorite color is blue.
112. I love to write.
113. I love to read.
114. I'm hopelessly in love with Orlando Bloom.
115. I talk to myself.
116. I am a hopeless romantic.
117. I hate ketchup with a passion.
118. Sometimes I name inanimate objects.
119. I have the greatest dogs in the world.
120. I fall asleep all the time.
121. i am obsessed with incense.
122. i would kill to be a flapper.
123. i wish i were my best friend.
124. i live by Frank Sinatra.
125. i read cheap romance novels from the early '20s.
126. Without music, there is nothing.
127. I wish i lived in the 60's.
128. I want nothing more than to travel and experience on my own.
129. i love nicole richie
130. i wish i were at the cottage
131. i love chocolate
132. im on the verge of becoming a vegetarian I try to avoid meat as much as possible.
133. I have an addiction, but it's not to cigarettes or drugs.
134. Radiohead is my favorite band.
135. I idolize someone I dont even know
136. Without my cell phone, I'd be lost
137. I disagree with people for the sake of the argument
138. I can not live without my IPod.
139. I can not wait to escape the clutches of my parents and go away to college.
140. I alphabetize my cd collection.
141. I love to read late at night when i come home at 2 am.
142. I'm a zebra print-aholic.
143. I drink at least one cup of chai tea a day.
144. I adore Ashlee Simpson.
145. I wish i could maintain happiness, or any feeling.
146. I'm too in love for my own good
147. i wish i could change the way i handle things
148. i regret many things ive said and done in the past
149. i miss the way things used to be
150. i wish i got along better w/my brother
151. i could kill for a back massage right now
152. Feet gross me out.
153. Yay hooray for journals!
154. I love hanging out at the library.
155. Napoleon Dynamite is one of my favorite movies.
156. Boys confuse me.
157. I wish i could fly
158. I love accessories more than clothes
159. I want to go see a psychic
160. I HATE when people call me dumb.
161. I can't stand when people try too hard.
162. I like to have some time to myself
163. I would love to have my own car.
164. I miss the old school Nickelodeon shows
165. I hate waking up to my alarm in the morning
166. I love Clay Aiken!
167. I want to be noticed.
168. I want to be loved.
169. I want a boy. .
170. I hate people to try to tell me how to live my life.
171. I want to make my own mistakes.
172. My mother is a psycho
173. I would love to be on Broadway
174. I'm falling for someone
175. I love to laugh
176. I was born in a different country
177. Love is worth it
178. I would do anything for my real friends
179. I get scared easily...
180. I dislike gossip
181. I act more mature than my age
182. I'd never stab a friend in the back.
183. I LOVE traveling
184. I wish people would tell me what they really think
185. I want to learn to surf
186. I hate being ignored
187. I love cruises
188. I love Snoopy.
189. I want to be famous.
190. I want to own all the clothes in the world!!
191. I have an underwear fetish
192. I love playing the piano
193. I'm afraid of failing once I get to college, school and financial wise.
194. I wish I either were 100% happy with the way I look, or 100% do not care at all .
195. I miss my Drumline terribly
196. I like to read Cosmopolitan
197. It's kinda of hard semi-losing the two most important 'friends' within 3 weeks of eachother
198. my dad is dead
199. i have a horse
200. i'm pretty much an insomniac.
201. i listen to musicals more than any other kind of music.
202. everything in my life is obsessively organized EXCEPT my room.
203. My mother or father has MS.
204. I have an obsession with Spongebob Squarepants.
205. I am still into pop/teenybopper music and will proudly admit
206. I love to recieve snail mail
207. I lived in North Dakota for over 12 years
208. I am obsessed with Queer as Folk.
209. I am a psychology major.
210. I have two cats.
211. I love baseball. The one sport I don't mind watching.
212. I hate Bush.
213. I'm something other than heterosexual.
215. I've seen Donnie Darko more than 20 times.
216. I've lived in more than 5 states.
217. I'm a language dork.
218. I get paid under 6 bucks an hour for my current job.
219. I've met Claudio from Coheed and Cambria.
220. I like my job even though the pay sucks.
221. I'm planning on becoming a vet tech
222. I have 8 (or more) piercings
223. I never really ever wanted my tongue pierced. but now that I have it, I love it.
224. I love the SIMS.
225. I still love the Backstreet Boys
226. I've seen the Beatles' Yellow Submarine movie and thought it made sense. and loved it. a lot.
227. I'd rather GROCERY shop.
228. We all get crucified before we die.
229. The world is fucked up.
230. There is no heaven nor hell.
231. High School seeks to teach you how to survive in the real world, but it's a waste of time, it's all about learning things you'll forget soon enough, and it doesn't teach you how to survive in the real world.
232. Rock and its sub-genres is the best genre of music.
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