Saturday, August 7, 2004
One-winged Angel.
 I guess no one cares about Parasite Eve. Oh well.
Last night I did not get to sleep till about 4 AM or so. The reason being was that my mom came home from her usual drinking and so on at about 3 AM or so, so there was this incessant hustle and bustle going on upstairs, which made it so I couldn't sleep. This, coupled with the fact that I wasn't really tired.
I had wanted to go up there and tell them, "You know, someone has to work around here tomorrow," or something, but I didn't.
Eventually I heard my dog Buttons at my door and I let her in, and so she slept with me.
My mom's still at her usual antics, although she doesn't seem to go out every night. I still don't know any of her friends. And also, while I was away in Dickinson, she was gone one day. The night following this entire day she was gone she didn't come home of course, and didn't even tell my dad where she went.
She was gone from the house two days or so. Staying at some friend's or some other thing. While she was there she was very "depressed."
Apparently also there's this guy my grandma's said she finds attractive, named Shannon. This guy lives with his mother and is an alcoholic, and yet my mom seems to like him. He also has a bad temper when he gets drunk from what I've heard. Perhaps my mom was with this guy that night? Who the hell knows. And at this point I don't care.
While in Dickinson I wrote my mom a letter and sent it to her. I might post the letter up on here. . .we'll see. I don't like how that letter turned out, depending on my mood, but anyway.
In this letter I told her she needs to put her family first, she needs to stop drinking every night and going out every night, she needs to stop smoking, she needs to introduce our family to her friends, and she needs to be a mother--because what she's being right now isn't one, although she's made some steps to be one.
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