Saturday, August 7, 2004
Corpus Dei
 Here's a thought for you, that I've had for a long time.
Since when is there just one God? To me, the probability that there'd be multiple Gods makes much more sense to me. I don't think, if I were to try and take a subjective standpoint on everyone's monotheistic beliefs, that one entinty, or being, or whatever the hell you want to call it, could've engineered the entire universe, and all contained therein.
Multiple Gods seems more likely to me, more probable--it seems like it might actually be possible, perhaps.
I mean, how'd this one God standpoint become so wide-spread and seen as the truth in most religions these days?
When you think about it, we're no better than the Romans, or the Greeks. Our so-called book which has "the words of God" (which in fact it doesn't: they are not words that God wrote, merely words that humans such as you and I wrote) is basically a mythology.
I mean, Adam and Eve. What's the likeliness of that? You can't put aside Evolution and its theories, we have proof. We have skeletons of us as we've evolved to where we are now. Going to this, two humans in the beginning that just magically appeared from God?
Or how about the Earth being fully created in a matter of days?
I think it applies to our Western culture. Our Western culture is all about numero uno. We're taught to put ourselves first, and during earlier times this was even more put forth--you know, "The Gilded Age," as Mark Twain put it; that point in America's time where the youth were coming in full of greed and envy and lust and desire for just themselves.
Another good point. I read some of Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth.
God puts forth all these basic principles for us. You know, the ten commandments. Well, he breaks them in the bible.
When Adam and Eve are tempted with that apple, he's the one doing it. It's his creations he's fucking with. And when they take what they're tempted for, he punishes them--he punishes them for something he put forth for them.
I mean, absolute belief in a God, or Gods, is just absurd to me. You cannot and will not know how we got here within your lifetime, nor is the reason to devote one's entire life to it.
Why live to die? Why live hoping you'll end up on some haven, some paradise, like most Americans seem to do? I'm not saying all Christains really live with Heaven always in foresight, but what I'm saying is it's just ridiculous that so many people follow religions like that one, and others.
In the end, God is like a mythology to me, and everything in the Bible's like that, too. And the Bible shows what a human is at the core. It shows that we try and act like we have set rules and all these pure and good things about us, we try to outwardly express ourselves as One thing--just like our One God--and we try all prescribe to have morals as the Bible puts them forth.
I mean, what's the big deal with sex before marriage? Sex is something you think about, it's your nature, why fight it? It's perfectly fine if you have sex before marriage.
As far as I see it, I'd rather not have marriage anyway.
We sit here and act like we're such good-mannered little people. We wear clothes, we are polite to people who give a shit less about, we say killing is wrong yet we start wars and kill and kill and kill. Behind our urbane appearances, we are truly out of control. But we hold that control inward and act as One to this entire world, this Society, and act as it dictates to us. We in essence become a slave to what we're shown because it's all put upon as us children and it's ingrained in our minds that things can be no other way than they are.
Well, when I am walking, I sometimes imagine what it'd be like say if there were no roads no cars no sidewalks no blinking ads no streetlamps no houses no anything but the open sun and this earth as it's naturally meant to be. And it's hard to imagine that, I'm so used to being around at least some form of civilization.
To each one of us the real thing that matters above all else is ourselves. Our God we so-supposedly claim to be real and absolute and all-powerful and all-knowing shows this. Looking at the Bible and what it shows us is like shoving a mirror in each one of our faces and letting us look and bore our eyes into to it until the clarity is so distorted you're not quite sure what it is you're looking at, but you're sure enough.
if hell. if it. then rot. rot. and never came
and if heaven i will ride that jet plane. . .
if blackness and nothing. if it. then gone. gone. and left my mark.
and if heaven i will ride that jet plane. . .
and i will set the controls of it to crash.
everyone has their own opinion for everything. everyone thinks their opinion is right. -gasp-
My reply: I don't think my opinion is absolutely right, I simply don't have a set opinion about religion and God, because to me I cannot have an opinion on something unless I know it exists and I know it's real and I can see it and I've actually seen it for real.
All I have is that at this point it doesn't matter, I'll find out when I die or sometime else. I don't see a reason to jump the gun and say I know for sure about God or whatnot else--that's faith and faith is based on fictitous knowing, it is putting belief in something when that belief may turn out to be a reality and a fact, or it might turn the other way. . .
There's a difference between knowing and fact, and fiction and belief. And I don't prescribe to faith nor belief, but I prescribe to fact and knowing.
Science. The base of the word comes from the Latin Scire, which means to know. Science is the study of facts, of reality, of truth. And that is something faith is not. And it's something I can learn real truths from, not what might turn out to be lies. And so that is where I stand more sternly than in believing in religion and its mythologies and what it has to say.
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