Saturday, August 14, 2004
I can change/ I survey the damage/ Hold me under/ Cut away this empty/ Hold me under/ Change the way I feel about you
 I'm so tired my thoughts cannot think even when they have been thought and then what I'm trying to say comes out all wrong and all mixed and shuffled up.
I worked my ass off today. I bused table after table after table, over and over again. I did get a break, 30 minutes, and then later on they asked me to go on a break again. I only breaked for 15 minutes.
They also asked me to leave early once again, but I said I wouldn't do that, and I kept on busing and busing and busing.
Tyler, Steak Buffet isn't the one who's going to murder me, I'm the one who's going to murder it.
Once I had enough caffeine to achieve a caffeine high, I was working the tables like I was making love with them. I'd wipe them off and I'd put my entire body on top of it, and my hands into it. I'd pick up the cups easily, since they were all the same cup size. I'd pick up the plates like nobody's business.
I was a goddamned machine.
Laury, one of the nicer managers there, asked me to prebus about 6 or so, and I told her I'd rather keep busing, like I had been since 1. Later she asked me why I liked busing so much, and I didn't really have an answer. I just felt like busing, so I told her I liked how you just do your thing, you don't have to talk to anyone at all. She said she knows I'm good at it, and walked away.
Even later on, about 8:30 or so, I was set in the back to unrack with Chris. We had lots of fun. I had this act I pulled with Chris: I'd call him master, and he'd call me bitch. It was rather fun, not to mention all the other antics we did.
It was rather amusing, and made the work easier.
When I finally got off, I came home and my dad told me mom and him had gotten in the fight. What's new?
This time my mom called the cops on him, saying she was afraid he was going to hit him, which I know he'd never do.
All he had done from what I understand is take her car keys, since he didn't want her to leave and go to the bar.
My dad said he doubts she'll be home tonight, since she's all pissed and called the cops over on him, so she could leave.
Good riddance, I guess. My mom is nice to me on levels, but I see past the little act.
Today, I got a Police shirt, and also my Oceansize album I ordered.
The Police shirt doesn't fit me, and I've yet to play the Oceansize album.
Yesterday I also won this e-bay auction for Nine Inch Nail's Broken EP for only $1.00, but it's $5.00 plus tax shipping.
The rate I'm going with work, Chris told me, I'm going to be up there unracking soon enough, and getting a raise. He said Laury likes me because I'm a hard worker, and you don't get enough of those.
I also got Parasite Eve II in the mail yesterday, and I played it for about an hour last night. I have some opinions on it, but I don't really have the capacity to go on about it. . .I'm too damn tired, and I have to get up at 9 AM tomorrow so I can be to work by 11 AM.
Oh, and I also forgot to mention that during my break today, I got a free meal since I came in when they called me.
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