Tuesday, August 17, 2004
fucking child
 rip my arms from the sockets
rend my legs from my bones
tear my brain from my head
take my heart from my ribs
i have nothing more to give
and it's a sin just to be alive
this god won't give me what's mine
and it's a sin to even wish
it's a sin to even dream
it's a sin to scream
it's a sin to feel
it's a sin to kill
it's a sin to be alive
it's all a sin when it begins
in this world
take me away away away
from this place
take me away away away
from here
take me to the end
so i don't have to be
you owe this to me to leave
in this world
in this world in this world
in this world
"i'm your mother
i gave birth to you
i sacrificed for you
you owe it to me
give me respect
i'm not leaving until you give it to me"
and did i ask for you to sacrifice?
and did i ask to be born?
did i say for you to not abandon me?
respect is earned, not given
it is not given out
you don't deserve respect
going out night after night
getting into fight after fight
with him
saying you don't want to be with him
you're the one who's made these choices
i didn't make them
he didn't make them
you're the one who wants to break them
you're the one
i'm not the one
don't blame someone
blame yourself
if you want my respect
change yourself for yourself
stop smoking
stop drinking
stop steeping so low
stop going down
stop leaving night after night
stop thinking it's all right
stop acting like it doesn't do anything to us
stop running away
stop pushing it all away
stop escaping stop getting mad at us
start realizing you're the one who is doing it all
you want my respect?
you better erect a different person
for that to happen
just because i'm your son
and you gave birth to me
and you took care of me when i was young
that doesn't matter
that was long ago
that was a long time away
this is now
and you don't have my respect now
you're disillusioned
you cannot see
you don't know reality
grow up, mature
you're such a little girl
you were telling him he doesn't know what it's like to suffer?
you don't fucking have one clue what it is to suffer
you don't have a fucking clue
you hurt us because you feel wronged
well we're the ones being wronged
grow up
learn to live
life isn't this thin
life isn't supposed to be amazing
it isn't supposed to be what you want it to be
if you want me to give you respect
you better see your flaws
you better figure it out
you have no fucking ounce of what you're doing
yet you do it anyway
it's all about what you want
not about what we want
as a whole
you're a fucking hole
empty, dead and cold
if you're not going to fill yourself up
if you're not going to heal
if you're just going to peel
then get the fuck out of my life
be a fucking wife to the man you told you'd give everything to
instead of running away like a fucking child
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