Sunday, August 22, 2004
slave away
 bugs crawling all over the computer screen
with my hand i kill them off
it's only a life i'm taking
it's only an annoyance i'm making go away
who cares if they're alive?
they have it easy
their life is simple
mine is not
the bugs live in their own world
but i live in mine
a world where you have to work
each and every day
and go to school
and waste it all away
you're supposed to fall in love
you're supposed to have children
you're supposed to save up your money, so you can retire
when you're old
i wish a hand would reach out and kill me
i wish i could be that bug on the screen
stupid, simple-minded, not a worry in the world
but that's not what i am
what am i supposed to do?
is there any other way?
i feel like i'm wasting away
it's not meant to be this way
i figure when you get used to it
that's when it hurts the most
because that's when you've really lost yourself
all of the identity that was you
i don't want it to be tomorrow
i don't want it to be today
i wish time had no bearing
i wish there was no world out there
i wish i was just living and being alive
but in this world, you have to sell your soul to survive
sell it to her to him
to break each other's hearts
sell it to this system
this society
this machine
for money
i have no soul left to sell
i can only keep on
there is no need to complain
it is all in vain
i am someone else
i am no longer real
i can no longer feel
my voice doesn't matter
i only slave away
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