Sunday, August 29, 2004
 Woman, man. Love - lust. Kiss. Look eye-to-eye. Take off clothes. Naked. Against each other. Coalesce, become one. It is erect. She is open. Inside. My purity you stole.
Ejaculation. Sperm. White sea. Heads with tails. Flagellum. Ovum. Eggs. Gestation. Race to the finish. Combine. Zygote. Genes. Passing information. X Y.
Womb. Fetus. Placenta. Umbilical cord. Dividing. Feeding. Morning sickness. Maternity. Pregnancy. Knocked up. Big stomach.
Doctor says, "Push, push." Pain. Stretching. Head coming out. Pain. Almost there. Pain. There it comes. Out it comes.
Baby crying on mommy's shoulder. Tears. Naked. Umbilical cord cut. Penis circumsized.
Can't walk. No hair on head. Small, little, weak. Puny. Empty mind. Goo goo gah gah. Rattle rattle, playing with toy, in crib.
Learns to crawl. Then walk. Loses teeth. Tooth fairy comes. Mommy gives baths. Mommy hugs. Mommy loves. Daddy throws up and down, daddy plays with. Dog chases around, in backyard, in grass. Baby says, "Woof! Woof!" like dog, laughs and runs, but dog snaps and bites baby, baby cries. Tears to face.
Preschool. Play with other kids. Build with blocks. Race with toy cars. Lincoln logs. Crayons, paper, markers scissors, fun.
1st grade. 2nd grade. 3rd grade.
Learns to read and write. Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, now I know my abc's, next time won't you sing with me? Learns basic math. 1+1 = 2. 4 - 3 = 1.
Mommy says, "You're special." Teachers say, "You're special." They say, "You're different." They say, "No one's the same."
I had this whole thing writ out, but I wasn't satisfied, so I'll add more to it when I can keep myself focused on writing the whole thing as good as I wrote some of other parts. . .
I'm just too tired to do as good of a job as I have so far.
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