Monday, August 30, 2004
 If the entire sum meaning of our lives is submission, seduction, and claim - if the reason we live is to reproduce, have sex, multiply, then why this intelligence? What does it get us, in the long run?
Why aren't we just walking penises and vaginas?
If only. Because if that were, things would be so simple - our lives so simple - our existence so simple.
Those earthworms, they've sort of got it lucky. . .but sort of not.
As much as I hate intelligence sometimes, other times I'm happy I've got it.
But this intelligence gets in the way of everything. In this world, you can look but not touch, and only when you've gotten to know what you're looking at can you touch.
We go against our natures. . .we go against having sex, we go against our appetites for destruction, we wear clothes to cover up what nature's given us, we build houses when nature's already made houses for us, we build streets and roads when nature's already made our paths for us, we package and make food that isn't naturally-grown even though it's out there for us to get, we wallow in needless material things, when the material things we should wallow in are those nature has given us.
If you read the bible, a lot of what it says is going against our very natures. . .thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, you can't be gay, that's wrong in the bible, it goes on and on.
Why fight the nature? Why go away from nature? Why create our own "moral" codes that're to be our natures? Why have this society? Why have order, when our nature is to be in chaos (and in fact, the order we create just makes chaos itself)?
Why enslave people to work their lives for money, which in the truest sense is survival - why not let them do as they want, and let things be natural? Why, why, why?
Our intelligence is one of our greatest shortcomings, but also one of our greatest strengths. It's something we can put aside, as we please, or use as we please. It is abuseable, useable.
But still, a man really is just a walking dildo, and a woman is still just a walking hole, and to fill up a hole you have to jam something into it.
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