Thursday, September 9, 2004
system of a down
 god bless america/ bless god, america/ america, god bless/ bless america, god/ america, god bless/ distortion distortion distortion/ pro-choice abortion/ malcontent malcontent malcontent/ how much have we spent?/ money pays the rent/ money pays the rent, money pays the rent/ capitalism with a capital C/ money is the american’s blood/ and power’s the heart/ and god bless america/ bless god, america/ america, god bless/ bless america, god/ america, god bless/ here we go/ god can you hear?/ or are you even here?/ well let’s remove the stiches from our eyes/ let’s take the IVs out of our veins/ let’s cut open our brainwashed brains—
well in god we trust/ jesus christ we must to have given up so much/ the big companies tower as monsters/ owned by bigwigs who are the few/ these bushwhackers are the only ones who matter/ they have the money/ money=power/ power=importance/ it’s the system of a down—the system of a down/ this world is optimistic/ this world isn’t simplistic/ my mouth’s held closed with stiches/ my eye twitches/ money is all that matters here/ money is all that matters here. . .
it’s all about how much you own/ about the riches you show/ about material possesions/ well have you even thought that the best thing that can be bought is free/ that’s what this country’s based on/ freedom, the pursuit of happiness/ is that really working all your life?/ is that what happiness is?/ is that freedom right there, while someone else out there/ some bigwig has it made?/ some jerk, some asshole who thinks he’s better than you?/ well you know i never want to be rich/ because inside i’ve got more than anyone can ever have—i have my mind/ my mind is better than anything this world can sell/ i’d hope you agree/ if i could, i’d show you all i can/ but here i am/ with these words/ do you hear them?/ because god isn’t here/ god isn’t here. . .
well in god we trust/ well at least that’s what it says on the money/ what if i don’t trust in god?/ what if money doesn’t matter to me?/ well you see, i don’t want a house/ i don’t want a car that’s worth more than what i can pay/ i don’t want a credit card so i can get in debt/ i want to be free/ well you see i don’t need these things/ all i need is myself/ i can get along/ well don’t you see?/ this world’s just one big distraction/ i don’t know about you, but i’m going to go live/ i might have to work a menial job/ and i’ll do it because i have to/ but i will be free/ this world won’t get me caught in what it does/ well on the outside this world does look fine/ but if you look deeper in you’ll see it’s not/ it’s full of things wrong/ but they’re not for me to fix. . .
when i die, bury me in the bank/ burn all my money, then scatter the ashes all over in the sky/ well have my funeral at the bank/ keep me away from the church/ there is no god as far as i know/ i’m not a christian, your usual american/ i don’t live to die/ i live to live/ to me heaven’s right here/ this is as good as it gets/ this is as good as it gets/ i have no regrets/ i don’t look to some lord or savior/ jesus today is just a pawn/ he would’ve never had what’s here/ he didn’t die to have it the way it is/ i believe in jesus for who he is/ not what he promises/ i believe in life for what it is/ not what is after/ too few people know what it is to live/ i’d like to give them all the power to see. . .but i’m just a lackey/ the only ones who matter are the bigwigs—
in this country, it’s been said that all men are created equal/ look at blacks/ look at homosexuals/ look at the native americans/ look at the mexicans/ look at the women/ look at all the people who’ve ever suffered/ is every man really created equal?/ i’d like to know, i’d like to know/ americans need to see. . .need to open their eyes. . .there is a need for change/ this country’s still too much the same/ there is nothing progressive about this/ we’re still stuck in the way we are/ we’re still stuck in the way we are. . .
the bank is my church/ the money is my god/ my assets are my material possesions/ i’m in debt/ i pay for things in small payments since i cannot own them alone/ i am an american/ one of the middle class/ i keep this country alive, while the rich get richer/ the poor get poorer/ i work till i feel i’m about to die/ day in day out, it’s always the same, there’s never a stop in the time/ it’s like a prison, and money’s the only way to loose the lock on the door/ i just don’t know anymore/ in god we trust/ i’m a slave, i’m a slave/ someone please take me out of this misery. . .
fester fester fester/ we all crowd around/ fester fester fester/ this is the system of a down.
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