Friday, September 10, 2004
Hey hey, come pollinate me hey
 I got Radiohead's Com Lag in the mail today, and I subsequently ripped it.
I'm falling in love with Radiohead all over again, wishing they'd release another new album.
If you want some songs from it, as always, AOL Instant Messenger name is machineofbones. I word of warning, though: I'm not on too much anymore. I'm pretty busy. Between school, and work, I don't get too much time, and what time I get I spend with my friend Ryan, or reading, or playing video games, or writing, or doing homework.
Since it's my senior year, I'm also starting to look at colleges.
I won three Manson albums from e-bay: The Golden Age of the Grotesque, Antichrist Superstar, and Mechanical Animals. A lot of people hate Manson, it's sure. The thing is, they've never given his music a real chance. They're blinded by the inbred hatred that's been bloodied to his name from the Columbine Shooting, and other things.
Still, I read a [link]long post Tony made about Manson[link] he wrote on his blog. He's also sent me some songs of Manson in the past, and I was impressed. So he got me sold: I'm going to get my own opinions on Manson. I'm going to listen to the music myself.
I already know I'll like it. From what I've heard, a lot of it is morbid, which I'll like.
Tony also pushed enough in his blog about a band called Say Anything, and their first LP release, . . .is a Real Boy, that I bought that, too. I'm not disappointed with it.
The genre it is in modern terms would be described as "emo," but to me it's more along the lines of punk rock.
It's determined stuff, as punk is. It's got that biting edge to it, the rebellious feeling, the lost and without a cause sense to it.
The writing on it's really good, too. The singer-songwriter of the band has a talent with it. He can make some good verses that stick in your head.
I really like it, so far, and I'd recommend it if you're willing to go for it. Again, I can send some of them over to you if you can catch me when I'm online. Just IM me, ask, and you shall receive.
Another CD I got from Tony's recommendation is Tweaker's 2 a.m. Wakeup Call, which has one of the former members of Nine Inch Nails in it (as if Nine Inch Nails isn't just Trent Reznor anyway, but oh well). I can't recall the guy's name offhand. It's Chris something.
But anyway, that's worth buying, too, from what I've heard. But instead of getting that, I'd recommend you get their earlier release, The Attraction to All Things Uncertain. It's what Tony was trying to get me to get, and I'm bidding on it on e-bay right now. It's probably better than 2 a.m..
I've also got the Blood Brothers' Burn Piano Island, Burn. It's hard rock. I haven't listened to it much, but it's very different from what I'm used to listening to, so I haven't gotten into it too much yet. It'll just take time, but I'm sure I'll get into it.
I also got Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, which I was eager to get, since I was so amazed and fell in love with A Ghost is Born (which you should go out and get if you haven't: amazing album). I haven't listened to Foxtrot too much yet - I'm busy - but I plan on eventually. I'm almost certain I'll love it nearly as much as Ghost anyway, because Wilco's just an amazing band.
Got Bad Religion's new CD, The Empire Strikes First, too. I haven't had enough of a listen to it, but it's definitely good, and says things about the status quo of things in a well-mannered way.
There's a lot more music I've gotten, but it's 12:29 a.m., and I better get to bed.
I doubt anyone cares to check out any of the music I've mentioned anyway. So it's mostly wasted words.
If anything, if you haven't heard any Radiohead, pick up O.K. Computer and you'll fall in love. It's such a great, great album.
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