Thursday, September 23, 2004
 Your life's just a circle. One big circle, spinning, going through its finite space.
Now, imagine a circle. Make it as big as you want. The bigger, the more longer it'll last. The more space it'll take up in all history.
Even if you make it pretty big, you might as well still be just a speck.
Imagine cutting this large circle into three even pieces.
One piece of this, 1/3, is devoted to work. Is wasted on working. I'd account school in here, as well. School is inasmuch work, because by going to school, you get a diploma (if you stay in), which allows you to get a much higher-paying job.
Although, you actually learn something worthwhile at school, sometimes. Perhaps you will, or do, at your full-time job, as well. But the job definitely must get old after enough years. It must get to the point where you're tired of it. Where you don't care.
The second piece of this circle, another 1/3, is for sleeping.
That's right - we sleep away. And we could sleep less, in some cases. It depends upon the person, but it's likely we could sleep less and be active more.
Sleeping, unlike working, is a requisite in our nature. It's naturally-occurring. It's got to happen.
Without at least some sleep, we'd not be able to function as human beings.
The final piece of this circle, again 1/3, is when we're actually alive. When we do as we wish. Do what we please.
Most Americans (I'm not certain of other nations) waste their time doing inane forms of entertainment.
TV is a principal example. Americans love their TV.
They'll watch the idiot box for hours on end. In fact, on average, teens watch more TV than they do schoolwork.
There's many other things one could do, with that 1/3 of your life for whatever you want. Most do waste it, though, it seems. Waste it doing nothing too healthy, nothing that gives much.
And because of Americans, and their inactivity, we've got the Carb Diet.
Carbs. They're a neccessary form of energy in our bodies. Without a decent amount, our bodies can't function as well as they could.
The only true way to get fit, and stay fit, is through eating well, exercising mostly every day.
Fitness doesn't end once you've slimmed down. Fitness lasts an entire life. It's a neccessary thing if you want to live to be as old as you can, feel good as you can.
So there you have it. That's the circle of your life.
Work, sex, die. Whatever you want to take it as.
Our circles are just other cogs in the machine that's life. And our cogs needn't be functioning for everything to continue on.
We're here, and we do what we can.
But we do waste most of our lives doing what's to me a waste of time.
I never accept this, either. I don't look at things, and think, "That's just the way they have to be." No, it's not the way they have to be. It can be changed. If people just open their eyes. If people are diplomatic. If we work something out.
Things could be worse, in this world - but I think they could be better. I think there's betterment out there somewhere. It could happen. Maybe it will happen.
What'll it require? I don't know. A different form of economy? Government? Democracy and Capitialism isn't bad, but the entire prospect of working around 1/3 of your life at some job you'd likely rather not have to do. . .does it sound good? To many, no.
But you accommadate it, nonetheless.
Americans themselves, are pretty apathetic. They aren't deep-thinkers. They don't analyze situations as hard as is possible.
Just look at this: of those who are able to vote, in the presidential election, many don't.
I don't blame them. Popular vote has a miniscule meaning in the lay of the election.
It's the electoral college that matters.
I think we should change this system.
Imagine if Al Gore had become president, as the popular vote had deemed him? What would he have done at Sept. 11th? Would there even be a war in Iraq?
This country's based on a government by the people, for the people. Yet the people's vote doesn't matter but a little bit.
Although, I do understand there's people to represent you, to vote in the electoral college. But it's not a system that works.
Also, there's the two-party system. Many are set on being either Democrat or Republican, and blindly vote for their chosen side.
Most don't even look into the person they choose to vote for. They don't look deeper in and analyze.
I think there shouldn't be a two-party system. I think it should be more open-ended. I don't have an exact idea of how it would work, if it were changed, but it definitely could be improved.
I think it shouldn't be so hard to run for president. At this point, it's like Hollywood. It's not even a president I'm voting for, just some figurehead. Some idiot that's going to make some mistakes, likely.
It's a popularity contest, in a sense. Whoever looks the best, gives the best lies, gives the best false face, will win.
It's not even really about the direction of this country anymore. Nothing's too progressive. Things are much the same as they were around the 1800s, only there's modern-day problems. Different things which are repeats of some things in the past. History repeating itself.
The fact that the Iraq War is happening shows you how little control the American populous really has over the country. How much they don't really open their eyes. How little they see in the way of things.
We don't dictate much of what happens. We get some say, but the bottom line is the politicians that control the government.
I've never supported the war in Iraq. Yes, it's good we're helping out Iraq. But does this mean we want to help every country out we possibly can?
I support the troops. I see in the somewhat near future, they'll re-open the draft. That I might end up being sent. If that happens, I'll go to Canada and burn my card.
I'm not going to die in a war I've never believed in. Nor fight. I respect those who think the war is right, but to me, it's turning into another Vietnam in many senses. Mainly from there, a mistake.
The main reason Bush's doing what he's doing in Iraq is for the long-term. He figures if we show who's boss in Iraq, make it a Democracy, make life better there, that the Middle East will stop its hatred of us.
But that shall not happen. Religious hatred is a deepest root, which won't be loosened from its soil easily.
All I've got to say is, use your pieces of your circle you've got well.
I'll try to do the same, and do what I can to not have to work too long of my life away.
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