Sunday, September 26, 2004
You're a Naughty One, Mr. Grinch.
 I bet you'd like to touch me right now, too.
But I touched myself, so too bad. You pervert.
Right now I'm getting ready for a jog. It shall be my first jog in a month or so. I've not had the time - well, I take that back. I've just been not using my time efficently. Now I shall.
Working at the Steak Buffet has been physically demanding at times, and from working there, I've gotten a pretty nice body. Not that I didn't have one before, but now I'm more muscular. And I weigh 145 pounds, about.
No, I'm not anorexic. I eat three meals each day. Although, I do try to eat decent. But a little junk food every so often never hurts.
I'm wearing a white tanktop, but it's old and too big on me. I'm going to get a much tighter one from my mother. My hair's in its usual out-of-order status - fluffled hither and thither, with little care as to its place. The girls seem to eat it up - at least, I do.
You know you'd do me right now. I'd sure do myself.
One second thought, I'll just do myself. Sorry, you can't have me. I'm taken, at the moment.
But alas, I'm alone to my sexual urges and desires - there's no one to copulate, fornicate, nor do lechery with. Woe isn't me.
I'm off.
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