Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Embryology me
 My libido has been abnormally large lately. Yet, there is nothing to satiate it. Sadness.
I feel tired right now, I guess. I don't know what it is. I'm not exactly in a bad mood. . .but I am, at the same time. The whole goddamned "foul is fair" garbage, I know.
There's many things I could speak of, yet I just don't really want to speak of them, when I think about it. I also just don't have the time. . .well, I do have the time but I use it for other things.
My eyes felt kind of heavy, but now they're getting better. I'm thinking the main reason they got feeling as heavy and irratated and sleep-wanting as they did was because, in my Algebra II class, some girl put on this large dose of perfume, and it was just nauseating to smell. Must've irratated my eyes.
I can't stand it when a girl does that. They don't need to utterly reek of perfume. Sure, perfume smells good in moderation, but when you spray the it like you're trying to kill a weed, it smells like shit. And is unbearable. And makes me want to murder.
So, that's about it. Work is soon. Then, I've got tests to study for, other garbage. . .as if you care about that. But, let me say, school's starting to get into whole fucking swing, and I'm getting tired of it quickly. . .but alas, there is a thing called perseverence. I'll try, my fellow lackeys. I'll try.
You better love me for it.
What I'd like to say, though, is that Disgaea, which Tony got me to buy for $50, is indeed a great game. It's so refreshingly different, in some senses.
The entire story is pretty fun. Mainly because of the way it's executed. It actually makes you want to play the game, which is hard to get me to do.
The game's got 16-bit (maybe a little better than 16-bit, I guess, graphics) graphics, and it's on the PS2. It's so old school, yet not. It's a strategy RPG, in the vein of Final Fantasy Tatics.
Although, it gives FFT a run for its money. The game's that good. It also isn't as god-awfully hard as FFT (thinking about the hardness of that game makes me want to strangle some bananas). (Yes, I am not gay.)
In other news, fuck me.
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