Saturday, October 2, 2004
There's distraction, there's action. There's anything you'd want to see, all you wish you'd be. . .
 . . .such a sweet nothing
The dance last night was not as good as it could have been. I'd asked two girls to go with me prior, and one said she couldn't, the other said, "I don't know," which in woman-speak probably means "No."
I found out that the one girl I'd asked, Carly, who's a sophomore and seemed to show some interest in me, had been taken by some guy who had a cowboy hat. Mr. Cowboy.
[On a side note, I've noticed a lot more women noticing me this year. I've come out of my shell, so to speak, both physically and mentally. I feel I'm nearing the prime of my life. I'm no longer shy at all, but more or else a crazy bastard - full of sarcasm, wit, sexual bravado. ]
I stood there and watched them on the dance floor. They were all on each other, Mr. Cowboy and her.
The other girl I asked, Chelsea Lee, I don't even think she went to the dance. Sean Forester said he'd seen her, sometime when the dance had just begun, but I couldn't find her.
Also when I first got there, Andrew Jinx's girlfriend Angie was all over me a little bit, but Andrew's such a cool guy that I'd never think of stealing his girlfriend, and nor do I think it meant much of anything. She danced with Alan Bahr more than me, anyway.
They also played terrible music at the dance. . .it was all this rap-dance shit. It made me want to just leave.
They did play some good songs. . .but not many. There also weren't many slow songs, either.
When they did play a rock song, Austin Fay and I got a mosh pit going. It was the first time I've moshed, and while I was doing it, breathless, elbowed, the left lens of my glasses fell out, as it's wont to do, and has done in the past on a number of occasions.
So I had to stand there, all the people moshing, and find it, search the ground. I was feeling panic a little, because if I didn't find it I was screwed. But there it was, glimmering, and I nudged in and got it.
At the last song of the night, I danced with some freshman from Washburn. Apparently, she had gotten invited here by some guy, and the guy had left her, the bastard. Hopefully I made her feel better.
Not much else happened other than that. If there is another dance, they better play better music, or else I'd rather just listen to my own music and dance myself.
Right now, I'm going for a jog.
Then it's to work, 5 - close.
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