Monday, October 11, 2004
just letting it leak out in no certain way
 Mom's been at Minot said she would be home tonight at 10 o'clock, to go eat somewhere
she's not here so i'm just sitting doing nothing much
Today at work, it's like we'd switched attitudes
Alex who looks like the guy who plays spider-man was quiet, would not say anything
he said he was down because Davey and Travis
had told him he was a bad buser
I told him to not listen to them,
that they were just giving him shit
that he was a good buser
When i saw him i thought of how
easily moods can change within a day,
how yesterday i wanted to get fired,
but today i was here and i would do my time
at work
When there was a dollar tip on a table i gave it to him
later when there was a two dollar tip at a table,
i gave it to him
he asked me to take it, but i told him it was his
i said it would make him happy
Earlier Lacey called and so she came over and nothing much happened
we just petted and messed with my dogs,
and then ate some ramen noodles and left
When i walked out of the Steak Buffet, came to my car
there was some notes on my car
One said, "Hi Mitch! It's Lacey!"
Another said, "Hi Mitch! Lacey!" and then her number,
seems i have a stalker
there was also a zip lock bag
with a brownie in it
I didn't know what to think, really
I wrote my Macbeth essay last night,
it is a decent essay but i need to sharpen it
I think i will just do that tomorrow, i just don't feel like it today
that's it
i was just letting it leak out, and seep in
in no certain way
that is the day
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